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Posts posted by Ericrb

  1. Sloth5950 wrote:
    GM ( too lazy to write GrandMaster :3) :Pink

    Lol. (I wanted to say that your post is funny, but I'm too lazy to write that your post is funny so I'm not gonna write that your post is funny. :3)

  2. The chunk that Keron and Atlantis were on has been WIPED to 29th Jan 2012.

    Players information have not changed.

    Keron is now a Desert biome. Changed from Taiga
    Atlantis is now TaigaHills. Changed from Ocean.

  3. lightning_po wrote:
    What about mikewater? He's NEVER asked, and has 200+ kicks as artisan. I think he might make a good adept.

    No. He's the kindof guy who's gonna rage and do bad things if he doesn't get what he wants.

    After all that negative feedback, I was going to say yes for TheLostDarkness, but I guess that's already done.
    Matti to expert, no.
    Voltage, not now.

    Johnson to expert is more worthy than Matti to expert imo.

  4. DemonicD3 wrote:
    Ericrb wrote:
    DemonicD3 wrote:
    Why you gotta do me like that Eric.
    Because I like doing you.
    Makes sense, alright all is forgiven. I'm just going to turn out this light... (not related)... *cough*.
    Who's all?

  5. DemonicD3 wrote:
    Or the command itself is wrong and Lost is right in the sense that U belongs in colour because English was created by the English and in there language colour is spelled with a u.


  6. alecmacher wrote:
    Eric, you missed the second half of the story... and its not SOME people its was ONE it was not SOME maps it was ONE.

    Dont get me wrong when I write with capitals doesnt mean im shouting. It's jsut to give emphasis so you can understand clearer what im trying to say.

    Same situation.
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