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Everything posted by Ericrb

  1. We decided to "merge" a server into ours. It didn't went well, some people of the other server stole some maps. Those maps where zhuge's. Knowing that I know a little something in copyrights or just rights and that I am able to shutdown almost anything related to that, I decided to add a rule : "All stuff is proprety of All in The Mined". By writing that rule, I added AITM in his copyright so I can take action with zhuge's agreements. But it looks like people thinks that their things is owned by AITM. Like I said to zhuge, it's like with paypal or any other site. By agreeing to stuff that paypal says, you allow them to USE your info but they don't OWN them.
  2. I had to put up that rule so I could help zhuge to get his map back. And it did mean that creator + AITM but, people thinks AITM = Eric. Shieet. I just can't remove a copyright from the original owner, wth.
  3. I didn't quote anybody on the last post. I just don't wanna give that "advantage/service" anymore.
  4. Don't shiz on me that your map is stolen then. I wrote that rule so I could help out with that, but hey! against me now. Removed from forum. It's still in the server, but I can't remove it. I could of said, everything build on the server is property of the creator and AITM, but no, I don't wanna help anymore.
  5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also the picture you posted, Click here<-------------- Also, Long range WiFi FTW
  6. Ericrb


    People ask for so much.
  7. Ericrb


    Impersonated Sharok to get your rank. Lucky I didn't ban you.
  8. Name : Puzzpal Date : Feb 10th Rank : Notmason to Novice Reason : Impersonated Sharok on IRC. Used his name to tell ppl on the server to promote him. More Info : This son of a bitch.
  9. Gonna wait until he logs in to demote. Thanks
  10. Name : Moufisto Date : Feb 9th Rank : Grandmaster to Novice Reason : Self suicide... More Info : Wtf, he promoted Doom to demote Mouf.
  11. Ze zerzerz mazines iz ofz I can't helpz. Ze Hozter haz to do itz. The server machine is offline so I can't put it on by myself. The hoster has to do it.
  12. Done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done and done. (X13)
  13. /rules It's there since the server has started.
  14. Ericrb

    Adept Trial

    I'm just trying to make things simple, but I've seen some people on trial but can't find their names here. Gonna put this down soon.
  15. Name : In-Game name Date : Could be useful, fill it up if you want. Rank : X to Y Reason : Why did you promote/demote? More Info : Information like tight promotions. "I promoted him/her but if begging or saying bad things, demote without warning."
  16. Okay nevermind. I'm not gonna put up a "section". Instead, I'll just create a sticky topic. STEHKEH.
  17. Mason+? x.x I'll put up a Promotion section but if it's not active, I'm putting it down.
  18. If it's about "arrow" and "knee", -1
  19. I thought I demoted him 1-3 weeks ago because he didn't want it. Might be the wrong person. o.O Edit : Ooooh, ohhhh, oh.... "Artisan". I had to reread the post thinking he was an Artisan instead of adept... Lol, wtf?
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