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Everything posted by Sloth5950

  1. even though i've been inactive for a while now... I was gonna come back I don't really think it was neccassary to make me a rookie as a can't do jack **** ( yes i know their asterixes and not actually stopping me from swearing) please promo, I'll play again Sloths promise
  2. Sloth5950

    I ran away

    SoFirstOfAllMySpacebarIsBeingABitchSoIMadeEachNewWordWithACaptialInstead haha anyways...... don't want to make a huge deal about this but does anyone play LoL??
  3. Thats the same with the youtube community if anyone has ever watched youtube 0_o haha xD but most inportantly with comments and stuff everyone use to be really cool but now its about who gets the least amount of hate (Rebecca Black) <-------- even though i dont like her she got way to much hate instead of feedback
  4. I know that LOL is a shitty version of HoN, but u have to buy HoN so sorry considering that i still havnet bought minecraft :\
  5. does anyone play LOL, if you do just reply I'm not very good as i only started less than a week ago but its sorta boring playing by urslef and also gratsz ohero if u read this
  6. Currently: Imphoebe Gwenroden14 Neil25 Doomwatcher and expert+ but i presume changes are made soon. thnks SirDoom much appreciated
  7. YOU READ MY MIND >.> But anyway >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I tried this mod out AND I <3 it. the thing i like the most is the boxing gloves and the new birdies ( as well as its always daytime 8D) Here is a link to Bluexephos who post regular youtube videos about minecraft
  8. Could someone put a list up of all the people that are on the whitelist on this forum somewhere.. thnks
  9. Hey, I'm still not on the whitelist? can someone put me on OR do you think my town halls sucks?
  10. Town Hall: ( for the 800th go) tell me if this doesnt work ( i wouldnt be suprsied)
  11. ME ME ME ME ME ME ME, ill post some screen shots of a town hall i made in beta
  12. thnks 4 the help but kev helped me set it up so im all good
  13. i'm a retard ( also posted in previous forum pages) I cant get this work
  14. i have a question, why are those people that abused still adept and also are u sure it was an adept ( please don't make me look like an idiot if adepts and above only have hpshere)
  15. Sloth5950


    minecraft : no Terriaria: no pokemon black and white: got TROLOLOLOLOLOL
  16. but I was winning for so long... no I have to cry myself to sleep...................................in my tree -_-
  17. why aren't i surprised?
  18. TEST No. 1239823123213213124444444444
  19. maybe you can post a vid on it cause im still confused
  20. and u tell adepts to stop doing this -_- p.s. not a very good example
  21. is it beta or classic and if it is beta wat is ip?
  22. http://cristgaming.com/pirate.swf this is my life away from minecraft....
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