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Everything posted by TheCraftsman

  1. Not to be a troll, but this: Is a lot easier if you've just got a seperate music program running like ITunes or online radio...
  2. This is completely off-topic but..... What do you guys think about ranking zellie to expert when she gets back onto the server? I think she deserves it. - The Craftsman out.
  3. I really like this one: If kindergartens were like that.... XD
  4. I meant that many members of this very dedicated staff (currently including myself too) were coming on the server way less times than usual. For example, good ol' Mouf used to visit AITM every day, but when I checked, he didn't connect for 4 days. But maybe this is just a small period where the staff isn't very active, and eventually people like you (WB btw ) will make it super-awesome again, like the way it was. Let's hope so in any case .
  5. Yes we did, it was moufs idea But another thingy: I don't really think the ranking system is a huge problem. The real problem is this: Members connected during last 24 hours : 11014GRF, A_I_D_A_N, Dr_TreeMan, Ericrb, Frogger409, kevinsweijen, Moufisto, oherokon, Sharok, Snowy, T513, TheCraftsman, Zhuge This is how few experienced members still visit the forums. Back when these forums started there were 3 full rows from time to time... [NOTE: In the real size these names take not much more than 1 row]
  6. Hiya > , For the past 3 days, the server has been up and running again. Since I have bought beta, I connected 6x just to talk to you guys. But.... only 3x there was one player online. I infoed some of you experts and admins and saw you didnt connect for up to 5 days ago. What is happening? Is the server dying? 'Cause I'm a good person, I'd really hate not seeing you people anymore. Signed, The Craftsman, proud Adept of All in the Mined. (I'll give you HIV if you ppls dont connect soon) (How many quotes did I type in this post? :O)
  7. Was thinking more about Kadafi...
  8. lulz, I've been wondering where you guys were the past 3 days. But I guess this is the problem.
  9. Here's another link: www.minecraft.net xD
  10. Sounds like a game for me! Can I kill them when they revolt, too?
  11. God, you're beautiful. Your photoshopped sunglasses are just like vapid pools of fire. Lipid! Not vapid, lipid! Sorry. no, it's LIMPID! Limpid pools. Of fire. Your sunglasses are, I mean.
  12. :'( No offense, but I hate your parents before even having met them... Bai zelda, and may you go to your friends many times.
  13. It's always down when I have no homework, lol.
  14. imo the bullets should just be smaller xD
  15. If you know anything about this, either because you (accidentally) removed the zone for a while, or because you are the mason who did this, please post here or PM me. I appreciate honesty and if a confession is made I'll do everything I can not to get you banned. If there's no confession, we'll have to info the blocks and then find and ban you anyway. -The Craftsman
  16. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a problem. When I entered the server today, I found the water elevator, that I were quite sure of I had zoned it to mason+ myself before the weekend, griefed. I excluded myself from the zone and took the following pics: Note that I excluded myself from this mason zone, and was then unable to grief this water elevator. The reason why it's pretty sure that it hasn't been an adept+ (It could be me, but, well, it isn't xD): There were adept+ zones on both sides of the elevator. No grief trails were found there. Luckily, it wasn't a member with admin capabilities, but I hope all of you understand this is still a very serious problem. - The Craftsman
  17. It was, he said he was going to be on less, in todd's topic xD =The 2nd time he said that
  18. We knew that Wait... what?! EDIT: TYVM Frogger, now the Asian ladies Google ads are back...
  19. Hmm... This topic is the biggest topic of this forum.... Time to actually make "Heaven" or "Yggdrasil"?
  20. lulz, remember the time when he posted: "My holidays are over, I'll only be online in the weekends from now on!"
  21. Good news Unfortunately, I'll be away for 2-3 days now... Good luck in tha server! (BTW, kev, epic timing to be in Austria while Minecraft and WoM are down xD)
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