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Posts posted by Kisuke

  1. ZacI265 wrote:
    nice building kisuke and what map is that so i can get a better look at it =D

    The map is Huge6 and it should be somewhere around one of the corners ^-^.

    It's not that biggest building, but I like it.

  2. Well, yes I did disrespect you as an expert of the AITM Classic server, but you still abused you're rank powers - you BanAll'd me, and banned Zac along with me.

    And it's you're choice to stay or not, does not affect me what-so-ever.

  3. Not going to lie, I did think about using X-Ray pack on our SMP, but I thought "Nawh that'll just get me in deep shiz" so I just went to another PvP/Faction server and as Demonic said, I have atleast 4 stacks of diamond, and over 5 stacks of iron blocks.. So it really does have a big unfair advantage to the other players that're legit.

  4. Chocfishryum wrote:
    KingKnightscareXXII wrote:
    On topic: What the hell is this hunger games thing I've been hearing about??
    Off topic: Lost's new forum pic disturbes me.....greatly

    Same here...

    You two are in great danger, you are dissing the great all mighty Doom's Artwork! I would run now if I were you two. approve

  5. Well, just post what your worst(also funny if you want) fear(s) and phobia(s) are! I'll start:

    My worst fear heights, I just get dizzy and afraid I'll fall.. xD
    Worst phobia is when people act differently around who they like. (also my biggest turn-off)

    My funniest fear are spider webs, although, the funny part is that I absolutely love spiders.. approve


    Haylee - Kisuke I love you

  6. I agree with you, but hosting a Hunger Games match isn't so easy from what I've heard..

    My friend told me you have to install plugin(s) to be able to make the players that are dead to be put in a specific area - also, you need the Hunger Games plugin itself to set the arena up, and the boards to tell you who is going next. But yeah, if the specific plugins are updated to 1.3.1, then I'm all in the mined for it! Cool

  7. On-Topic: Safris, us Artisans shouldn't be able to promote Novices to Rookie rank, because then we would have to be able to freeze, and kick Rookies, I just don't see the big reason you want to be able to promote them, just be happy with what you got, Adept will come later, but now, just have fun and just watch out for the casual Novice griefer.

    Off-Topic: Safris, just be happy with what you got, you won't be able to deal with Adept rank, neither would I, which is why I am not looking to get Adept for a long time, or at all actually.

    You are not ready for Adept rank, Safris, and I'm not saying I am, because I'm not - we're both new to Artisan rank, we just got promoted not too long ago, just be happy with Freeze and Kick.

    Haylee Like a Star @ heaven Kisuke
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