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Everything posted by Deerlet

  1. Hi, Can I get: Foods: 3 for 1X999 each Pumpkin Cookie Bug Jelly Candy Beans 2 for 1X999 each Halloween Party Cake x 2 1X999 each Peach Syrup Cherry Syrup I will friend request you! xoxo
  2. Wow, I feel so special!!! What an awesome PS morning... TONS of presents to open, all great stuff!! Thank you Pet Society Fan Community for making my day!! You guys rock! Lots of love, xoxo Deerlet
  3. Nani, thank you love! All received, thank you for trading! Off to leave you a rep now. xoxo deerlet
  4. Thanks for the info, saved me lots of trouble and coins, I wish I would have learned this sooner! xoxo
  5. I had my gigantic pumpkin turn into a medium one as well - sooo bummed!!
  6. Oh, and how much is the blue 2010 balloon? xoxo
  7. I have found 5 999s so far, I'm going to send those over for the: 5 for 1x999 nyonya kuih jelly beans chilled cranberry juice x 2 sweet mooncake 1x999 each: Egg nog Mince Pie Rice Pudding Shamrock Loli And then as soon as I find three more I'll send them over for the premier cake and toffee apple! xoxo
  8. Can I get these items.... I will spend the next several hours earning coins and gathering up 8 x 999s and then I'll send them over to you with notes of what they are for. Does that work for you? xoxo 5 for 1x999 nyonya kuih jelly beans chilled cranberry juice x 2 sweet mooncake 1x999 each: Egg nog Mince Pie Rice Pudding Toffee Apple Shamrock Loli 2x999 Premier Party Cake
  9. Hi Nani_s! Do you have these food items in your house right now? I am new-ish and don't know what most of those look like, but have been on a quest now for about 5 months to collect all the food I can find I'd love to see the foods, if you have them (or a link to see photos?) Sorry if it's too much trouble, I understand. I'm a good trader, I have just not applied for the Safe Trader badge, although, maybe I should. I will start by adding you as a friend on FB. xoxo Deerlet
  10. You can do it Kimi!! I never thought I'd get to where I am at cooking, but I just decided to make it my goal! Good luck!!!
  11. I ended up staying up late to start a bone soup, but gesh, it was like 1025 coins to LEARN!! eeeps! ;(
  12. @Tiddly Winks - That's still pretty far!! A lot farther than me! I am hoping to reach the bone soup tonight, but I'm getting too tired to keep cooking! hehehee @Mangoberri, Thank you again, I just LOVE the lolli! I just sent over a 399 and a 999 - xoxo
  13. My special 99 project... Balloons (any color/shape/size) 58/99 Thank you Dawnbrans!!! The balloons you sent are AMAZING! Thank you Nakuru!! THANK YOU Rosie for the Black balloon!!! And thank you Dawn, once again for sending me more balloons (2010 blue x 2, Orange x 2 and Black x 2) You all ROCK!! Here is a photo of the ones I have collected thus far (photo doesn't include blue 2010, black and orange balloons... will update soon!): Still seeking light green and purple balloons - will trade for them too! Thanks!! xoxo
  14. I agree, they should make more 10, or hey, how about a 5 minute one?! hehee I think it's great that they fill you all the way up though, that's nice, but still boring for the pet I suppose
  15. THanks for the link and great info - wow, it's crazy how many hours you have to cook to get to the end!!! Ah, that is very sweet of you!!! I will send you a thank you in return, I'd hate to not say thanks!
  16. Hahaa, I'm just like you, doing the math to see JUST HOW MANY hours I'm going to be spending to make each item I wish they'd made more things we could cook, and made the cooking requirements a little lower... It's a bit daunting that it grows so much with each level. But maybe I'm just being a whimp about it.
  17. Oh, hehee, I just sent you a friend request on FB and saw your cute olympics hat I imagine the tickets are pretty expensive!
  18. Oooh, what can I send you in return? THat would be great! Take some of the pressure off at least! Is it about 125 to cook for each level, or does it get higher and higher the more you unlock?
  19. Yeah, it's great!! Don't have to stay up late to play! That's cool you are at the Olympics, I wish we (my family and I) would have made the trip up to see it!
  20. What level are you at now Tiddly Winks? I've been cooking like crazy... I leave it on almost all day and set a timer in my kitchen (my real kitchen ) And collect soup and resell it. I am 7 away from bone soup tonight... determined to get to that level... although I kinda dread seeing how many MORE I will have to cook for the next level. I really want the lollipop, and of course the gingerbread house, wedding cake and snowman sundae... I have a sweet tooth
  21. For some reason the new stuff is released to the west coast of the USA players at 4pm on Sunday... I love the new stuff, got the pink rocking horse, horse plushie and several caveman eggs. Very fun designs they came up with!!
  22. Darn, I thought I was going to get away without getting any caveman stuff... but it's so much more fun in an egg format!
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