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Everything posted by wildflower

  1. Hi, I got a dog set and would like a fox please? Sure send me an add request telling me what for please... Thanks! Sent you a friend request Accepted request send when you can.. Item received and sent (raccoon too). Adding rep. Thank you!
  2. Hi, I got a dog set and would like a fox please? Sure send me an add request telling me what for please... Thanks! Sent you a friend request
  3. Hi, I got a dog set and would like a fox please?
  4. Hello, I have a raccoon set and the only one I really want it was the black cat if someone wants to swap... please? Edit: got the black cat. Still would like a fox though.
  5. Done, should be working. Thank you
  6. hehe boys don't need to wear shirts in the summer. I guess it depends of where you live/culture unless it's for swimming Anyway... A neighbor published a picture of the grotto, and someone comment that the wwf underwater bundle it's going to be 40 cc (3 whales, underwater arch, turtle, underwater room) and 5 cc the animal bag. ay ay ay
  7. At least the magical sand is not cc I like castles. Only tropical flower shorts for the boys, not shirt? No wallpaper for tennis? I like the waterfall (I hope not 50 clicks to get it). I am curious about the volcano. The underwater grotto it's great Look at the black cat tail I hope it's not too expensive Why they didn't make it for coins
  8. Items received and sent. Thank you so much Ames. Added rep
  9. Hello, could I have the 6 Snowman Plushies for 2*999 please?
  10. wildflower


    That's fine. i'll go ahead and send. Hello! Items sent, send when you can please? I got them all and sent the case. Thank you! +1 Thank you all sent and received. Thank you for the gift. Added rep. Sorry for the delay.
  11. wildflower


    That's fine. i'll go ahead and send. Hello! Items sent, send when you can please?
  12. wildflower


    Hello. 1x Red Heart Bookcase = 2x999 please?
  13. I should it try to get it early but since it wasn't TWS I'll sent you a little something. But I can't thank you enough! Thank you so much!!!
  14. Really! Thank you so much Ursula!! I heard about the tent, sounds terrible Hopefully someone has an extra somewhere.
  15. Hello! Thanks to Ursula I got the package but still missing the tent, anyone has an extra please?
  16. Hello! I have a deep sea golden heart, would anyone swap for the sea castle please?
  17. My pet is a boy. Why did they had to do the wings pink! I want my pet to be able to fly, but pink?! A wing dye would be great
  18. hi sweetie, just for u 1x3333 each for cornucupia, bloody mat, fall and garlic wreath, 2x3333 for spooky fishbowl. then i'll just give u the bat sticker for free. Hi Fay, thank you, it sounds great. I am not sure, I think someone gifted me a cornucopia but I can't access PS right now (something my Internet provider has to fix ) I will send you the payment as soon as I can. And confirm about the cornucopia
  19. Items received, and sent. Added rep. Thank you for the trade. Hi, yes sure. Just if you don't mind waiting until tomorrow. I can't log into PS for now (something my Internet provider hasn't fix yet ) Do you want me to send you a PM when I get to access?
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