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Everything posted by Toulouse

  1. shhhh.... Kijo ^^^^ I am not sure that she likes the idea ...... I am sorry that I have not entered .. I have great intentions, but somehow never have time to get it all done ... Don't let the :scientific proof" bother you .. If you wanted to prove that the moon was made of green cheese, you could probably find supporting evidence .... Lol why wouldn't I? It's what they call scientific proof offcourse Just got spoiled, was wondering where my parents stayed, because I didn't think it would take that long, but they went to town and bought me 2 pressies
  2. you're welcome, glad to help you out you just have to take a very good look at the blurry images and try to recognise some items in there, it's not always clear (I had to edit my post too now), but it is really fun trying! Good luck!
  3. Lol, you still have time (otherwise the quiz would end in less than 2 hours)
  4. Have you noticed I've made the BG quiz last longer? No one had entered besides you and I believe tweet and hope others will join too after the holidays. Just got a very sweet e-mail (and yes, I am studying in the meanwhile, but I get annoyed by those stereotyping facts > boys use computers more often than girls, blah blah blah, I don't think that's always the case, but hey, that's my opinion and they have scientific proof)
  5. Thanks you two, I have accepted both of your fr/r!
  6. Plus Tanya, Kijo will be able to help you out more :girl_devil:
  7. Lol, I started with it on my windows computer and was so glad it came with my Mac!
  8. I've never used anything else but photoshop, so I'm pretty hooked on that programme, think I'm a bit biased : )
  9. Besides the fact I'm still annoyed and have to do my best to make today as good as I can, I'm fine honey How are you?
  10. Hey Army! Morning Love! I read back and I am a bit worried about you and your hand now! Please get it checked, don't wait until tomorrow (I'm guessing it won't magically heal before tomorrow)
  11. I'm going to start late today to study, I'm not very pleased with how certain things turned out (I had an entire nagging scene here last night), so am waiting for parents to return from the store, help them out, take a bath/shower and then start... I am not looking for excuses, I swear, my course is lying next to me, so I am reading the text I still have to read and then start summarizing when I finished them all (won't take long). Then I can memorize it all again.
  12. Hi Frannie! And bye, I'm heading to bed See you in the morning (for me at least :p )
  13. That sounds awesome! i had to look it up, but it looks yummy : D I hope so too Sweeties, again, thanks for listening! I am going to catch some sleep and get up early to study and help Mom out a bit In case I don't catch you all in time: Happy New Year! (and as we Belgians do: 3x )
  14. I try to get along with everything and everyone, but it sometimes gets a bit too much. I am the youngest, but it feels I'm the oldest/eldest sometimes.
  15. Hey Cogsy! I'm sorry I didn't say anything before, trying to cool down a bit lol but feeling a bit better now How are you? I know that once I get started, I can write very long messages. A lot of people have told me how long e mails I can write. So all I want to say is that if it bothers, please let me know! She's very difficult and emotional, not to mention I am emotional too, but I try to rationalize a lot too, plus she takes everything personally when we don't mean it that way. So she's very difficult to tell her your opinion. I am feeling a bit better now - at least cooled down a bit and am going to try to make the best of it. Thanks guys for listening (/ reading)
  16. I am very sorry if I write too long messages/posts, I have always had this problem lol (but once you got me started, it's hard to stop) - and I had to get it out of my system :p I was thinking about that too, but I think I'm just going to ignore it, and make the best of it, but still point out she's intruding and that we think it's not nice of her to invite herself. If you would tell me what's wrong, I would try to understand and try to talk about it, but my sister is completely different - think if I'd call her right now and tell her what's wrong, she wouldn't show up and probably won't talk to me anymore.
  17. a friend just sent it to me to cheer my up I think : D It's very funny!!! I've looked at a couple of other vids too, pretty funny those cats! I love my sister, but I don't want her to 'intrude' (I was going to say butt in, but not sure if it suits over here) the way she's doing now. My MIL mentioned it before we have a very strange relationship and that's true. One moment we get along really good, but now I've seen her too much, she's been too pushy and I've had it for a bit. Plus, it feels like she doesn't take into account that I have the study while she has 2 weeks off (she had exams earlier). I don't know what to write or say anymore to get it out of my system, but I am going to turn my cell off, because I still feel like texting her that we made plans already and that's she's interfering our evening and the least she could do is bring something along... But when I turn off my cell, I am going to think twice when I would turn it back on to text her. I'm quite alright lol, just a bit fed up with my sister - we made plans (parents, brother and me) for tomorrow eve, to celebrate amongst the 4 of us and now my sister invited herself and her BF again - so parents have to get more food tomorrow (they did the shopping already). But besides that, I'm okay True what you say, but the staying cool part is way too hard for me. Either I'm going to ignore her - she will notice or burst out and ruin the entire evening. So I'm trying to get it out right now so I won't ruin things tomorrow. But I AM going to say something about it. She really has to learn to know she's way too pushy these days. (she even texts me when I am studying with the most idiotic things and complete nonsense, so I had to turn my cell off too - no one could reach me because she was annoying me - and didn't understand why I ignored her texts)
  18. Hi Armell! Yup, me Boogs and BG are here! hello everyone xoxoxo Army hello! How are you?
  19. It feels like I shouldn't be fed up, because she's a relative. But still... I know I will have to do a big effort to bite my lip and don't say a thing. I know myself and I'll probably slip something out. I'm trying to get it out of my system by nagging to you guys about it and looking at verrrrrry funny youtube vids (I'll put one in here on the bottom of my message) It is rude, that's what I think too. If I'm invited somewhere I always bring something with me, even if it's just flowers! I think I scared Boogs off and now, the youtube:
  20. Lol She doesn't live here anymore, she's living by herself (together with her BF) for the last... 3 years now? (not sure about the time span). She didn't even bring something along when she came with Christmas, so not expecting she will now. I really have to calm myself down not to text or call her at the moment. And I will have to make a terribly huge effort to not make a scene or fight tomorrow... I know, it IS my sister and we SHOULD get along nicely, but sometimes... I'm really fed up with (or by?) her!
  21. Can't you tell her that ? I'm just a bit annoyed too that my parents went to buy food this morning for the 4 of us, so they have to go back tomorrow to buy much more (they eat like crazy...). They mess up our plans pretty hard!
  22. It does to me too, but we've planned a cosy evening amongst ourselves, with no pressure or fuss, so we could do whatever we want (I even planned to study!). But now that they're coming, they will claim everything, so my parents won't be able to see or do whatever they want and they'll bug me too when I want to be at ease... Even though it's my sister and she's welcome, I can't stand someone that invites him or herself when we made plans already. She invited herself with Christmas day (the eve we invited her), so we weren't able to do whatever we planned. And now it's happening again. Bad enough to say, but I am not pleased.
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