Leo I don't know if I'm "allowed" to talk along with this subject since I'm still a youngster (no offense, but I have no idea to put it otherwise), but I have lost a lot of friends already. Mostly because I really got to know them and they weren't always there for me if and when I needed them, but they expected me to be there for them at every time - sorry, I'm not that person, I think friendship and everything that comes along has to come from both sides and I discovered a lot of friendships where I was the only one investing and that took way too much energy. I think that if I count my real close friends, I can say I have 4 of them, and especially one person is a real close friend (pregnant B that is). There is one special friend, who doesn't live nearby and I know we'll always have a special bond, even though we don't hear or see each other often; she is my longest childhood friend I once met on a vacation in Spain. Phew, long message :-)