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Posts posted by Toulouse

  1. I hope you feel better soon Tiddly!
    Hang in there Tromo, keep in mind it's almost christmas, if you get some days off then. Keep that goal in front of you :-)

    I've been outside today, in the blistering cold and snow. But I was prepared, so I put on a loooot of layers, a hat and gloves (forgot my scarf), but it was actually quite... agreeable outside! Not too cold at all. I'm gonna head outside this afternoon to take some pics and enjoy the view!

  2. Thank you Nancy!! I usually have my siggies made by someone else, but decided to make my own this time, as I didn't want to bother that person with it. And indeed, Christmas is coming closer! I am still waiting for one present to arrive and need to go back to the store to get one more present (which in stores from a certain release date), but other then that: I am ALL set! I am amazed I got everything so quickly!

  3. Finally went to see the new Harry Potter movie yesterday
    and waiting for snow ;-) No, actually I am not, I want to be home before it starts to snow, otherwise traffic is... quite impossible.

    Not home this weekend, so I'll be on less

  4. Sounds awesome Tromo!

    Having a bit of a down day, started well, but started to get behind on schedule and still am, so I am not happy about it. The fact that I really want to do something, completely blocks me, so I am trying to relax a bit and get started in a bit...

  5. Thanks Tromo. Usually someone else makes them for me, but decided to give it a try myself.

    Went shopping yesterday and this morning and now got everything I need for presents! I can start wrapping and write notes along the gifts, I love it!

  6. I am absolutely knackered!
    Went out this morning with my sister to get our gym pass, but what a hassle! Made an appointment too for the first lesson, where they make a schedule and explain the machines. But we are going to exercise tomorrow already! Then had to hurry back home to have lunch here, cos my parents were expecting me and then headed over to the bus to meet up with my friend, because we were going christmas shopping! She gave me pretty nice clues hehe, so might go back tomorrow to get those things and I need other things as well I forgot to buy today. But we had fun!
    And now, I'm going to do nothing!

  7. Aww Tromo, sorry for the confusion. BF = boyfriend, if I mean my best friend, I would write BFF :-D

    Good luck with the test tomorrow! Will keep my fingers crossed for you (whilst shopping hahaha).

    Brrr, sounds creepy, the thunder and lightning. I am not a big fan of thunderstorms!

  8. Well, gonna continue dropping by here to let you guys know how I am doing. Today I planned to work for my thesis, but that didn't turn out so good. I did order a couple of gifts today and am going shopping again tomorrow for the other things I wasn't able to find online. And I'll be gone for the weekend, finally going over to BFs place again, there were some problems why I wasn't able to go there... And that's it for now.

    It's sad no one ever drops by here to be honest.
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