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Posts posted by Frannie

  1. Agoraphobia (from Greek aγορά, "marketplace"; and φόβος/φοβία, -phobia) is an anxiety disorder.
    Agoraphobia was traditionally thought to involve a fear of public
    places and open spaces. However, it is now believed that agoraphobia
    develops as a complication of panic attacks.[1]
    But there is evidence that the implied one-way causal relationship
    between spontaneous panic attacks and agoraphobia in DSM-IV appears
    incorrect.[2] Agoraphobia may arise by the fear of having a panic attack
    in a setting from which there is no easy means of escape. As a result,
    sufferers of agoraphobia avoid public and/or unfamiliar places,
    especially large, open, spaces such as shopping malls or airports
    where there are few 'places to hide'. In severe cases, the sufferer may
    become confined to his or her home, experiencing difficulty traveling
    from this "safe place."

  2. Wish Fairy wrote:
    I don't mind the emptying or loading of the dishwasher..what I hate is that everyone thinks it's actually MY real job!!!!!

    I do all my shopping online where I can and just for veg and stuff walk to the local greengrocer - is there a name for people with morbid fear of entering a supermarket ? :-)

    agoraphobia - fear of the market place

  3. Mark is off Monday.. bank and postal Holiday (think the Market is closed as well).. but he wants only a certain type of yogurt that only one of the grocery stores here carries.. and I really don't like that store.. so he makes that run

  4. Wish Fairy wrote:
    Frannie wrote:
    Wish Fairy wrote:

    Anyone have exciting plans for the weekend ?

    nothing planned here.. resting my brain.. had to kick into high gear yesterday.. still supposed to be just getting familiar with the system @ work... doing some sample problems.. and we got slammed.... wound up doing 5 returns yesterday

    gosh that sounds a lot.

    It's really not that difficult. We have a wonderful computer tax program.. Sometimes, I feel badly about the whole thing. If people would just read their instruction booklets, they could do this themselves.. save $300.. but they are getting 'free money' (it's called earned income) so they don't mind blowing it. Me.. I'm too cheap, would never pay

  5. Wish Fairy wrote:

    Anyone have exciting plans for the weekend ?

    nothing planned here.. resting my brain.. had to kick into high gear yesterday.. still supposed to be just getting familiar with the system @ work... doing some sample problems.. and we got slammed.... wound up doing 5 returns yesterday

  6. Zoonie wrote:
    Frannie, do you still have spares from the Snow White eggs? I only ask as K-B was here early, swearing at them, because the eggs are being mean to her!

    yes I have some spares.. I asked if she needed anything specific... but she must not have seen.. I don't have any unopened
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