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Posts posted by Frannie

  1. I think it was great for her to see just how difficult the contest is. I've learned that if I really scrub my screen clean.. then turn it sideways. I am better able to identify the objects.. then there's the task of finding them!

  2. well... it's very much a groove.. since ALL tax returns start out the same way.. and the early ones.. the first three weeks, almost all end up the same way. The creativity doesn't really have to kick in until end of February or so.. not that we get creative with numbers.. but there are various approaches to the end product

  3. well.. it's 'sort of' work. we won't be filing any electronic returns until the 15th of January.. but there is office setting up to be done.. and we are given 18 sample returns to prepare... just so that everyone gets back into the groove.

    I've already taken my certification tests (did that last night) so I am good to go.

  4. I'm not much of an outside person in the Winter.. but I do sit in the garage to smoke. I have easy chairs out there and individual heaters. but still. it's uninsulated and there is a space gap at the top of the walls because it's an attached garage.
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