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Posts posted by Frannie

  1. inu-kijo wrote:
    What do you do Frannie???

    sorry to hear about those knees.. having had both knees totally replaced, I can feel your pain - well I can imagine your pain now.. since I don't hurt there any longer

    I prepare tax returns.. it's fun. like listening to confessions.. People start whispering like we have a direct listening tube to the IRS LOL

    Seeing Tanya will be great.. I've met Kim and Chingada... someday may just show up in Savannah. we've been wanting to go for a while now

    On another note no more fish in the hunt, please purty please LOLOLOL.. they are the hardest thing to find!

  2. inu-kijo wrote:
    I am back, hey Frannie boo, how are you??

    I'm good Kijo, thanks for asking.. how about yourself? sitting here sipping my coffee and thinking about getting ready for work. Am so happy I only do this two-three months out of the year LOL

  3. well.. i need to go find the TV remote for the bedroom TV.. This could be a long process.. so many quilts and blankets to search through...and then, I'm gonna be standing there.. right in front of that bed.. and it's gonna pull me down and want me to stay a bit.... so will see you later

  4. inu-kijo wrote:
    hahaht his front computer must not liket hsi site very much. Now i can only see things i posted, i thought i scared everyone away, but you are all here, just invisible to me!!!

    : O

    can tell ya this... the keyboard is way different than what you normally use

  5. Bee wrote:
    since I have started with SW last year in November I've lost 10 pounds (about 4.5 KG) and I feel great and lots of my clothes is loose now

    wonderful... when I was losing - the poundage never really meant a lot to me, until at the point I lost 18 pounds I picked up an 18 pound bag of dog food. Then the notion really hit. I highly recommend you find sometihng which weighs the amount you lost, you'll be amazed!!!!!

  6. OK.. so for those of you who were wondering,, and those who weren't .. I am now on insulin injections. I will titrate up until we hit hypoglycemia.. and then start reducing the doses. The hope is that within 6-9 months, I can get off it and give the pancreas a chance to make enough insulin naturally and that my cells will be less resistant than they are now

  7. TanyaRC wrote:

    Frannie ...... You have your choice .....

    I will make you an avvy to go with the one that you choose ...

    oh boy.. that's hard to choose! It's between one and two.. can I choose the pink one for siggy and the red one for Avi?
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