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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. well girls.. going back to bed here... took 2 pain pills last night at midnight and they are finally starting to work... or at least allow me to get back to sleep. See you later
  2. stupid bosses! hi and bye Dawn!
  3. I used to have a choice. on whether or not things published.. that option went away
  4. I remove the published post as soon as it hits..
  5. My problem is I can't find anything since they reorganized the stores!
  6. you did great for first time out.. soon you'll learn to copy errr umm collaborate like a few of us do
  7. good morning Leo... or very late night here as the case is for Kijo and me
  8. I'll have to finish by Thursday this week. Am going back home to Chicago on Fiday
  9. looked just like one of yours... and I guess I can rule her out for asking when I need help.. LOL
  10. thanks for hosting this every week. I know it's a lot of work, but I love it so much!
  11. Hey good morning Kijo.. guess what? am already working on the hunt!
  12. anyone around? insomnia strikes again
  13. I need to go as well... Mark is tying to talk to me and give me a grocery list
  14. meanwhile... I am LOVING my avvie!
  15. duh I am so slow witted these days... just realized you avvies are the almost the same!
  16. ahhh thanks for waiting. So I bet it feels great to have a car again Kijo!
  17. back... and didn't miss a thing LOL
  18. ooops never mind I found one!
  19. whispers to BG so that Kijo doesn't hear... you wouldn't happen to have a chocolate floor, would you?
  20. getting there... working on it as we speak! not doing too badly, considerin g this is only my 2nd day online this week so far. I have to brag a bit, this is a 58 inch TV.... takes some getting used to... but am already impressed by it, even without the HD box.
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