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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. sheeesh.. that's so many hours.. maybe you should just live there and skip rent... (kidding)
  2. trying to get myself mentally ready to travel this weekend
  3. I always try to... unless it's the rare day I sleep in.. and I do mean rare
  4. Hey dawn.. I have to go.. and I hate leaving when you have time to chat.. but I emptied out under the sink yesterday.. and it's all just sitting in the middle of the floor. starting to bother me now LOL
  5. hey Kijo... you got a phone number you can PM me?
  6. how much is slightly? if you don't mind sharing
  7. weather here has been awesome too.. mid 80's Did you try to bargain with the repair shop? tell them you situation, cop a plea... cry? Or maybe Bosses can just lend that little bit extra. Certainly they must realize how important the car is to you
  8. well let's just say I spent money like a drunken sailor. Calculated last night. With the plumbing, spent $600 between noon and 5 PM.... of course, most of that on the new faucet. very cool though, a high rise one, with the sprayer in the faucet itself... pretty sad when that's the highlight of you day LOL
  9. Hey DAWN!!! how ya doing pard?
  10. I had such a nice day yesterday. Daughter had put in a slip for the day off.. and actually got it! So was an unexpected day. Garbage disposal started making noise, called a plumber, he was here in 20 min, fixed that and then I bought a new faucet from him. All was done in an hour, then we went for pedicures (I'm addicted) and then out for dinner with hubby and daughter. Was an awesome day
  11. yeah.. cars.. so expensive... but so necessary. And it's not like you're doing the luxury route or showy route.. Just good solid transportation. Very costly repair
  12. probably a gin and tonic LOL
  13. hey there Kijo! How've you been feeling?
  14. good morning BG and Kijo! I think it's just you two here?
  15. congratulations Wish! Than k you everybody for judging,, prizes and those who played.
  16. have to go for a bit. will be back later
  17. haha you make me feel like a cockroach next to giants noooooo. no harm intended.. Just a sign of maturity to want to savor a novel rather than race through
  18. Sports casters are saying Tiger is out of the woods as far as his image goes... A funny... David Feherty is pontificating about addicts and as he speaks his brogue is getting heavier and heavier.. what's up with that?
  19. our little Paige is growing up!!!!
  20. mark's brother moved to Dallas last June, and they ,moved the Mother in with them last September. We've been able to avoid visiting up till now, but he really does need to see his Mom. It used to be so nice to just drive back to chicago to see her and then visit all of the other folk we know. His brother is so different than mark... not likable at all yadda yadda yadda. But duty calls. Fortunately we get there Sat afternoon and will be home by Tuesday night. At least if it's warm I can stay in the pool and hold an ashtray and tell everyone to stay away from me
  21. watching news here of a mine explosion next state over.. 25 dead already.. so sad. Tose mines are not up to code and yet they stay open and those poor people have to work there, because it's all they know
  22. healthy here Sharon, but then again, all three of us avoid sick people. I know that sounds funny about Robin, but typically folk going into surgery don't have colds.. and she wears gloves and mask almost all day pig racing is a hoot, isn't it? getting ready to travel again and trying to leave a clean house before I go
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