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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. and served with sour cream as well as applesauce... oh man, I am starving and there's an Easter basket still sitting next to me.. not a good combination
  2. excuse my language.. but CR*P like this makes me crazy: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/04/07/air-marshals-reportedly-stop-attempted-shoe-bomb-attack/ DENVER -- An envoy from Qatar who authorities said grabbed a surreptitious smoke in a jetliner's bathroom and then joked about lighting his shoe on fire, sparking a bomb scare and the scrambling of military jets, has been released from custody. No explosives were found on the Washington-to-Denver flight.
  3. dire strraits are oldies? oh my.. i better go get my cane and shawl
  4. no Bee I don't have a waffle maker.. I am the only one here who likes them, so I save them for when we go out to a restaurant .. or quilt retreat. man those quilters know how to make breakfast!!! I bow out of breakfast making and usually contribute a dinner dish
  5. mm waffles... even more mmmmm Waffle House!
  6. mm waffles... even more mmmmm Waffle House!
  7. This was so sweet and generous of you to dye wigs! I don't need one done, but thought I would just let you know my feelings
  8. Good morning Kijo.. what's for breakie today?
  9. more than the money from it, I'm just happy that it won't be sitting in front of the house on the street any longer. I dropped the insurance on it over a month ago
  10. well the car has been sold and all my paperwork was done yesterday.. What a pain in the toosh... seems the BMV here has never heard of a Power of Attorney, or so it seems from the way they handled things.
  11. be right back.. walking Mark out to the car
  12. oh BG.. that doesn't sound pleasant at all
  13. ooo waltzes in pushing the coffee and tea cart.. will go nicely with the hot cross buns!! Morning Boogie, Bee and Gill.... anyone else around?
  14. well am going to get going here.. mark is leaving grocery stoe so I shall be waiting outside to help him... have a good night,, you 2
  15. note: Dogs do not like coconut flavored jelly beans.. nor do their ownders
  16. hangs head.. yes Ma'am. I'm sure it has to do with me not wanting to travel Saturday.. and it's a shame, because I LOVE to travel and have never been to Dallas
  17. I'm so so lazy today... and have so much to do
  18. hi Sophie! did you have a good day?
  19. I placed the window that has the pink curtains.. seems to help a bit more... thanks.. sometimes all it takes is someone else to look at it. Thanks much
  20. thanks Gill.... I'm longing for something bright in this game. It's been weeks now
  21. I'm so disappointed in this weeks items.. can you help me.. I placed the new stuff in my room 2. The pink bathroom stuff... changed the paper and floor and it's still way blah. Maybe you can help me punch it up?
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