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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. Hi Sharon! Nicky... I'm sure she'd love it and would be happy with any color... just wish we knew where they put all this stuff
  2. Thanks so much Kijo.... a rest is good.... maybe my eyes can stop bleeding LOL
  3. Hi Paige.. I'm still here... not sure who else
  4. does anyone know where they moved the stuff from the gadget shop to? Armell has been looking for iron and ironing board... can't believe they are no longer available
  5. am back and thanks for the wishes for the car Gill.. Not worried, if this person doesn't take it we are donating it.. at least hey will tow it for free and I can take off on my taxes next year
  6. back in a bit.. need to get dressed in case this guy who might buy the car is early.. If I miss you Kijo.. have a good day... only 25 min left for you!
  7. Bee... when I built that I was using Netscape... they had what was called 'composer' and that's what I used to build the pages. It was strictly a wysisyg page builder. Then I used the tripod uploader. I haven't updated in so so long. I really need to do that someday. I have so many new recipes in my files on this computer and would hate to lose them. I've been hacing a lot of crashing lately. Kind of scarey
  8. I spoke to Kim Saturday evening. She is still quite ill. She wished all of you well and said she misses us
  9. I have you bookmarked Bee... I look forward to it
  10. would love to go back to bed.. but someone is coming to look at the car for sale at 8 AM... so I better just stay up
  11. sure, here you go http://francine_szekely.tripod.com/index.html
  12. woo hoo going to be 83 here again today! weather has been just beautiful! Leaving for Dallas on Saturday morning.. wish I didn't have to go
  13. Posting an egg... hurry hurry
  14. could use the Hyacinth.. if it's to spare?
  15. crosses arm and taps foot.. and just where have you been, Miss Kijo? I missed you! How's life going
  16. Hi Bee... pick away, there's not much left there anyway LOL
  17. that opening and shutting the program has never worked for me... not wth boxes - not with stickers. Has anyone tried the magnets? I was lucky and got the doll on the third try and am now done with it. Gets expensive
  18. be back in a minute.. gonna have a smoke to go with the coffee
  19. <--also having cat 'troubles' New cat has upset the balance n the house.. something has to give - but even the old cats are marking
  20. 95% of the stickers go right n the recycle.. have all the bronze, most the silver
  21. I still need stickers, if you're sending. If not, I won't mss them. They are kind of a back burner thing
  22. Good morning everyone! I see Gill, Leo and Nicky... anyone else?
  23. hands out empty cup... I'll have some, please?
  24. STILL no one? I'm starting to get really worried
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