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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. I wondered how you were gonna do that. I have to go for a little bit.. maybe catch you later? Want to talk to Robin before she leaves for work
  2. ok will look for those eggs a little more while you do that.. am missing 2 days grrrrrrr
  3. not to make you blubber again.. but that pic uptop of Sock's... makes me feel as though he's turnng around to say goodbye. Can almost see a little hobo pack on him
  4. guess we'll get new MB items.. maybe even news store, that's what they did last week. Any idea what's needed yet for the registry? not to push. I didn't buy much this time. I used to buy with the idea of trading. That's prettty much not a plan any longer
  5. It's so beautiful outside here today. I just saw the lady from the end of the street walking all her daycare charges.. they look like little ducklings.. all in groups of 2 holding each other's hands.. She must have a full house today.. I counted 8 kiddos
  6. well of course you both would feel deeply for that poor critter. I can't stand to think of the day my big ol hairy dog isn't staring up at me... but I know it's sooner rather than later
  7. anyone here? Feel bad, as though I should have saved this for Bee. Hugs to you Gill.... you did a good thing to save that little boy
  8. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    ok see you.. going to go nap again
  9. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    Gill.. let me see if I have this right... there is only one egg per day? or is one egg per day per post?
  10. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    I wish Daughter's cat didn't live here. She is beautiful but is marking everything (and I have the black light to prove it). She has caused so much stress to our two elder cats, but what could I do?
  11. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    ohh poor socks.. but he is going to someone already vetted. Let's hope they give him lots of love
  12. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    and NOW I shall be right back.... must have a smoke.. and good news! second day in a row of awesome sugar control... was 96 this morning. One more good day and I can dial down my dosage
  13. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    well Boogs.. you were right about the beard... LOL I'm so glad you go first!
  14. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    it "squicks" my stomach to watch her p[lace it back in
  15. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    daughter has a nose piercing.. small stud.. But she has to take it out everyday for work.
  16. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    Hi Boogs and Gill! good morning
  17. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    funny story about old farts.. When Mark was undergoing radiation treatments, they did not treat the brain stem.. so kind of made a mohawk down the back of his head where he lost hair. Some old coot came up to him at a weddin g where mark was playing with the band and asked him "what kind of statement are you trying to make?" Mark replied "I'm making the statement that I would like to live and see my 6 month old baby girl grow up" The old coot apologised and said he'd never make a comment about appearance again
  18. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    good morning.. passing through on my way for coffee and a smoke.. wanted to be sure to catch Kijo first. Tell the old man to stuff it
  19. Thanks for checking Kijo.. I changed 12.. still looking for the others
  20. Frannie

    C&G Gift Registry

    Gill.... are we saving for anyone in particular this week? Will send what you need. just let me know via PM please
  21. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    darn it.. just got here and have to go... sorry all... take care
  22. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    so who do I see? Gill Armell Boogs and boo.... nice group! anyone I missed?
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