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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    well I watch a lot of travel shows.. I love seeing it all.. but hubby's health has prohibited us from as much travel as I would like. This particular show was: http://www.travelchannel.com/TV_Shows/Anthony_Bourdain/Episodes_Travel_Guides/Episode_Prague?fbid=mog7WBB6dwS
  2. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    ahhhh stretches... good second mornng! Just read back... it wasn't a show about Christmas foods.. was a show about Prague.. and they just happened to have that dish on the menu all the time
  3. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    Hi and Bye dawn I'm going back to sleep!
  4. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    Bee! meant to tell you.. I thought of you last night! There was a travel/cooking show on TV.. they were in Prague and showed the traditional Christmas (Eve?) dinner of the fried carp and potato salad. I recall you talking about that!
  5. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    I'm sure this person is one of those cloners... what dress is that the pet is wearing? trimmed in green?
  6. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    Remember yesterday when I showed you the person with all the butterflies? Here is 2/3 of another of her rooms!!!!
  7. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    well then look upon this car rubbish as a blessing.. It forces you to get the exercise for the RA.. ooo going to be 60 today and 80 by Friday woo hooo Spring might be here.. (after snow last Sunday)
  8. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    Tried to look for you to do same thing with.. and discovered we are no longer friends... must have happened when I cleaned last December
  9. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    why would they have banned you? I'm sure you've done nothing wrong. I noticed some are in maintenance, even though it doesn't show on the friends bar as such. Case in point is KB's daughter.. was able to visit .. but tried to send a bunny and said she was in maint.
  10. Thank you Missy! and I have not said it lately... LOVE THIS GAME !!!!!!
  11. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    oh no Kijo... you're bicycling? is that good or bad for the RA?
  12. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    oh no! Will be thinking of her and sending her good luck thoughts btw Frannie - how's your hubby? thanks Bee.... she can use the good thoughts Hubby is fine. and amazing! He went into the office today. guess he thinks they will close without him. Sometimes it makes me mad and then I realize that his love of his job and the getting ready for work etc is probably what is keeping him alive
  13. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    Hi Bee.. didn't see you until just now!
  14. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    Poor Robin.. she worked until 11 last night... studied from midnght until 3:30 and is already up and out the door for written testing on ACLS. test starts @7:30 and then she will have to drive back home, try to sleep and work tonight. It's a MUST that she passes as she has no time to retake the exam before the physical ACLS exam. Her license expires end of April
  15. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    well maybe Boogie and I can coordinate
  16. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    still not working, eh Leo? Is there anything specific that you recall seeing which you wanted? I can buy it and hold it till you get access back
  17. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    <---freely admits her coffee addiction
  18. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    hey there Leo How are you today? And Kijo.... hospital thing work out ok?
  19. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    and rushes out for her craving... back in a few thanks for the jolt! oh... and good morning!
  20. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    rushes in with her empty cup
  21. Frannie

    March Chat Part 6

    ok going fishing... be back soon...
  22. Frannie

    March Chat Part 6

    that's be great Boogs... but no hurry.. especially with the day you've had. Thanks for looking BG
  23. Frannie

    March Chat Part 6

    am still here Boogs.. just looking for a catfish.. if I find one @ a mutual friend will let you know. I wish there was a guide as to which fish could be caught with which bait
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