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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    Boogie.. I have offically lost my mind... did you just send me a balloon.. or only a note about it... do you want that back?
  2. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    Sharon.. this week is easier than last. Mean ol kijo.. errr I meant sweet kijo, usually makes the week after the 5 day hunt an easier one
  3. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    oh not sleeping yet Wish! Hi Boogie.. thanks for letting me know about the table!
  4. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    tadaaaaa .. made it out here without spilling a drop!
  5. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    i'm about ready for another nap... only slept 2 hours last night and then an hour on morning nap
  6. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    well yeah... it's probably one of the items in the hunt
  7. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    have had a good day but going crazy looking for the chocolate biscuit table... does Wish Fairy.. the baker turned hotel operator happen to have one?
  8. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    of course, this latest is counted among the easier ones for him.. no chest cracking and the leads were good and didn;t need to be replaced
  9. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    truthfully, for a man as sick as he is, he's got the most amazing will, Yes back to work and have talked to him twice... doing well
  10. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    Hi Sharon.. didn't know you were not feeling well, but hope all is better now
  11. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    I have to go wake up Robin.. by the way.. she passed phase one of the test with flying colors.... now on to sit for phase 2 sometime next month!
  12. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    wondered where you went... welcome back BG
  13. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    what a shame.. two cats in her house and neither is a mouser?
  14. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    it's more than slosh.. Sunday was no filter in the coffee maker.. entire pot on the floor grounds and all.... today was a whole cup dumped in the utility room... another entire mop job.... only two more tiled floors and I will have to rent a steam cleaner LOL
  15. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    nope didn't hear about the mouse... just yesterday was the cassrole disaster.. You might enjoy knowing that yet another one of my floors got mopped due to coffee disasters
  16. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    Just posted a hideeni sighting!
  17. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    Hi Gill1 Which kitchen item is broken today? LOL
  18. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    took me a long time to get used to it here... actually made me sick for first week with refreshing etc... or i was just sick anyway
  19. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    i hear what you're saying Bee... but it aint gonna happen anytime soon. last time I quit (for 6 years) I gained 50 pounds and never lost it when I went back to smoking
  20. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    oo change of plans.. brrrr stil too cold on the deck so we're in my garage smoking room... better than not at all I suppose. I forget the sun has not risen high enough this time of year... still too far south
  21. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    be right back... we're going outside! hang on tightly
  22. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    no days off here in the US.. separation of church and state.. no idea what FB credits are
  23. Frannie

    March Chat Part 7

    well hey there KB... imagine you being here?!
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