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Everything posted by Gismo-Pet

  1. But if they are level 14 or something, you will have to go all the way to the back then search to the front...or if they don't tell you at all what level they are, you have to search through your whole list to find one that's pink or blue. YEP - i hate i too - hope they read this :rtfm:
  2. Take care and so NICE chatting again - hope to see u soon sweet dreams
  3. YES i thought off the trades as well............................ "clearance items this week." u got a link to that ??????????? Nope, but if you look at the furniture store, there's some items that are red-flagged. YES i see thanks - AND they removed the fast scroll button also - so going through stores takes forever
  4. i just want to say if u visit all u friends and add a trader - the trader will be bright blue or pink and the old friends will be white - cause u visited them
  5. Well sometimes some one write a message to come a see a room or a petling or anything and when we trade the old way was genius - when u visited u friends and added a new u could see the new one quick...
  6. YES i thought off the trades as well............................ "clearance items this week." u got a link to that ???????????
  7. i got 96 friends and WISH i could write a name and go visit them........now i have to search and search........
  8. i got 96 friends and WISH i could write a name and go visit them........now i have to search and search........
  9. :Oops: i did'n t really get that - my english is a bit rusty right now :35:
  10. my BIGGEST wish was that we could change the room for our visitors - so we woudn't have to change room 1 every time.........
  11. Well - Gismo is already green - so i might get a Shamrock instead of my scar..... they also changed the roulette - can't get 2000 coins any more.................. and mine said some one taken the bonus already???????? don't get it
  12. why are we all alone is it only GMT time members....
  13. and green is the colour of HOPE....................
  14. great - when is it St. Patricks day???? I can't wait to see all the green stuff - MY favorite colour
  15. :JC_lol: : I found it and + u ....................... u are the best - THANKS
  16. U didn't :*pirate1*: :*pirate2*: u need to report that....
  17. U did :victory: But i can't seem to find the + - on the right hand side?????
  18. yes i thought about the "homemade" chest also - we can create our own tabs.... I wish to see how the new levels are.......and u are right they do not get as many paw points now...
  19. Now i only hope they make extra categories for wallpapers and flooring. i also noticed stuff like pianos and lamps dont go into furniture. That is one thing i think they miss...... and i think visiting the shops are very difficult - going in and out and remembering which store u did visit.... AND i got 2.xxx.xxx.xxx paw points suddenly But i think u have no need to worry about getting to level 47 it is only a new level popints - THEY write : For example, if you were a Level 43 pet with 337,300 paw points previously, your pet will now show as a Level 43 pet with 5,300 paw points towards the next level (as 332,000 paw points were those required to reach Level 43). Look here;: tp://www.petsociety.forumotion.com/psfc-news-f7/major-changes-in-ps-t8996-10.htm
  20. Can u tell me what is Reputation: 2 :35:
  21. They sure are Mom just been admitted again for 13 days . she got home 2day. and doctors still haven't got a clue to WHY i have a fever So i have been and still are so so so tired.... How are u??? Benn ages since i been here and how are everybody - I MISS THEM ALL :*pirate2*:
  22. I love u avatar and signature - U all got some really PRETTY ones....
  23. hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii there LOVE.......
  24. That is one thing i think they miss...... and i think visiting the shops are very difficult - going in and out and remembering which store u did visit.... AND i got 2.xxx.xxx.xxx paw points suddenly
  25. wow! this is very nice room. btw, is it just me or is your room longer than the rest? it is one of the large rooms........... :good: And thanks a lot for the nice words
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