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Everything posted by Gismo-Pet

  1. The Wild wild West......... Sorry 1st time i took the wrong pic....
  2. :*pirate2*: u are an U feel better soon too...
  3. I will watch figure skating now - U take care - nice to see again - HUGS and LOVE to U.........
  4. Can't i do anything about the "First topic message reminder " it is at EVERY page ......annnoying
  5. Are u watching any OL???? I love the figure skating - but it is from 2 AM till 6 AM
  6. This it what i drink and belive me it helps - those days i need more pills i take more Aloe Vera and no bad stommec --,o) http://www.aloevera.dk/iindex.asp?sprog=engelsk
  7. Had it since end october they scanned me with some nuclear stuff inside me and blood test and so on - i have fibromyalgia - so i do not hope it is another syndrome disease comming PLEASE try the Aloe Vera drink it is so good to an upset stommec - but it takes some time of drinking it before u can feel the best affect
  8. OMG - Sounds bad - What is RA??? - I drink Aloe Vera each day to keep my stoomic okay - cause i did have tooo many Nasid pills.....it helps a lot.... Ipray and hope u willl be fine soon and the meds helps..
  9. Did u have a fever for looong time as well?? and what is u diagnose then - if i may ask
  10. LOL - NP........ I miss u all - i feel okay - still having fever and doctors have no clue how are u
  11. i'm looking forward to see the mens figure skating this night..lol- ends at 6 AM here..........And Sweden won over Germany in Ice Hokey JUBIIIII
  12. So SORRY didn't see that - SORRY.............................. Can i PLEASE try again then.......... Gismo had too much rum....
  13. Anybody home????? It seems like i am always coming - when u all left ;(
  14. Nice thread - I sit up to see it - but it is on so late..............LOL ............ends 6AM
  15. Im sorry hun, but you must have 20+ posts before you can enter any comp in PSFC. Gaia - Admin
  16. u are so sweet :*pirate2*: :love2: thanks a lot :love2:
  17. OMG did u all go to bed????? And just as i arived
  18. Does it still wants food then???..... Or is this the way we can leave them for a few days and keep them from running away?????????? BTW - PS now made sure they do not eat anything else then what we give them.
  19. UPS forgot the pic of the LOVE room
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