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Everything posted by Cblu

  1. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Are you taking something for it? She sounded good, until they cut their power. She was preparing a contest.
  2. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    I'm here! Was looking for Hideeni for Gill.
  3. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Hehe This is good too, just missing the raspberries... It would have been funnier with them.
  4. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    I've seen things you people wouldn't believe ... All those moments will be lost in time Like tears in rain Just goofing around...
  5. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Me too, I like how you can make a little drama sequence There's a good morning one, I have to remember to use it
  6. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Did you manage to catch the one I published last night? The eggs from the trees are like the Halloween candy, you can just get 3 of each unless people give them to you.
  7. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Hi Bee! I think it's the first time I see you since I started posting in this forum. I was an hermit (or is it bear?) for the Winter and was shy to come. It's 20 posts AND average of 1 a day.
  8. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Good morning, Dawn! Hope to chat later. My mum first thing she wakes up she logs on to PS
  9. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Posts per day : 0.91 Almost allowed to play...
  10. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Good morning, Frannie. Coffeee, good idea!
  11. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Except for a bad tooth bothering me and not sleeping properly due to a binge of ice cream last night, I'm fine.
  12. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Good morning, Gill. Hi BG.
  13. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Sorry, got distracted reading something. My brain is working really slow. I see time going past way too fast.
  14. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    I'm here again. I can't get no sleep... Hi Tanya and Kijo. Tanya, maybe the problem is his computer?
  15. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    See you later or tomorrow.
  16. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    You probably didn't, because I only started posting here recently. I'm fine, thanks. And you? I'm in England at the moment, but it's the same time as in Portugal: 2:33am. I should be in bed but I'm not sleepy and I don't need to be up early.
  17. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Hi Mindy! I'm here.
  18. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    No worries... My kitty is always hanging next to the microwave when it\'s working! Thanks for the compliment on the avvie... I didn't manage to soften the edges as I wanted... I feathered the mask so transparency would blend a bit, but once converted to gif it was all spoiled. Need to figure out how to do it in the future.
  19. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Yes, but I rarely bother, unless it's an emergency. (Doing my visits of the day now, to get them over with )
  20. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    I'm using IE. I have Firefox as a backup.
  21. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    I just got the cap for 33. I was going for the new egg decor as well, but nothing. At least it's not an expensive adventure like the gold MBs...
  22. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Aww... Good. Hey, just opened quite a few red mystery boxes in a row and the lowest value item was 49. All others were worth 66. This was a profit! Am I being really lucky or did they change it?
  23. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    I'll check... Thanks and Goodnight, Bogie! I ate so much ice cream I feel sick now... Of course this never taught me a lesson, I'll repeat the stunt soon I have the chance
  24. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    I don't think I recall who she is... Goodnight, if you still read me. Wow, that's the opposite. So healthy!
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