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Everything posted by Cblu

  1. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    I can't find my Pet Atlas statue.
  2. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Hi BG! Glad to hear deadline is extended, I'll give it a go, then.
  3. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Oh, I thought they were one and the same. I'm going to check what the Triathlon is about!
  4. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    I haven't tried the hunt. I find it too hard.
  5. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Goodnight, Armell. I'll take a peak on Youtube for it.
  6. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    I have no idea about MB stuff either. I don't think I ever watched Modern Family.
  7. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Hi Kijo, you're still here.
  8. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Hi Army! I just woke up.
  9. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Well, it could be a myth, but it's mentioned often. This time I had my spaghetti with olive oil and garlic alone. I love to do it this simple, it gets to the core of its awesomeness.
  10. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    I had spaghetti for supper as well. Bad idea, as carbs at night take sleep away. I'm staying up way too late.
  11. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    You're still on time.
  12. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Argh, I burned the soup and I was distracted and didn't share the lottery coins! Not a good PS start of day.
  13. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Well, you're not alone. Tweet, is that cute pic for March chat part 6?
  14. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Fly lady is a website (and the website's mascot) that teaches to be very good at housework and super organised.
  15. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    I'm good, woke up pretty stressed but had a nice day. Tomorrow I have to start with the Spring clean. I want to be a "fly lady".
  16. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Sorry, got distracted chatting with my dad and a friend... Hi Tanya Thanks Piglet, you too. The link is not OK yet, I'll try to explain better tomorrow.
  17. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    how did you get it like that? Trial and error, really. And it works. First I clicked "Profile" and I got http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/leonorgo?ref=profile So I decided to try and see if I could shorten it to http://www.facebook.com/leonorgo by hand on the address bar and it worked.
  18. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Piglet, try with your username on it, not the ID number link. I have mine as leonorgo (link is like this http://www.facebook.com/leonorgo ) which is what I use to log in on Facebook. I think that works better.
  19. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    It's not working, it links to me.
  20. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    Really? Why so sleepy? I'm not sleepy but it's only 9:36 here.. But when I'm this alert it's a bad sign.
  21. Cblu

    March Chat Part 5

    My problem is I always find stuff to do/ watch/ read online... Not to mention my gigantic "to read" book wishlist. I get too distracted from what needs to be done...
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