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Everything posted by Cblu

  1. Cblu

    March Chat Part 7

    I'm picking up socks and banana peels in Petville... Hi and bye Dawn Welcome back! Oh, do share the recipe.
  2. Cblu

    March Chat Part 7

    See you later, Kijo!
  3. Cblu

    March Chat Part 7

    Whoa! That's millions worth in coins! Either that person spent a lot of real money on PS or no way that was all legally obtained.
  4. Cblu

    March Chat Part 7

    No, not yet. I've been playing Petville. I'm really starting to think I was banned.
  5. Cblu

    March Chat Part 7

    Thanks for offering, Frannie. Bogie already offered to help too.
  6. Cblu

    March Chat Part 7

    Mmm. Tempting, but not today Bee.
  7. Cblu

    March Chat Part 7

    Glad to hear it passed, Kijo!
  8. Cblu

    March Chat Part 7

    I'm fine, thanks, Frannie. Except for not having PS access. I was looking for Zoonie's egg.
  9. Cblu

    March Chat Part 7

    Good morning, everyone! Glad Socks didn't get hurt, but sorry to hear you didn't sleep. I'm good, warm at home with my blanket. Hi Kijo. BG was all worried about you yesterday. Hope your allergy is better. Hi Frannie.
  10. Cblu

    March Chat Part 6

    No updates on her wall since 9 hours ago.
  11. Cblu

    March Chat Part 6

    Was she going to the doctor?
  12. Cblu

    March Chat Part 6

    Something the matter with Kijo?
  13. Cblu

    March Chat Part 6

    See you soon, Bogie! It's better not to send anything yet in case I was banned!
  14. Cblu

    March Chat Part 6

    Bogie, are you sure? That's way too kind. Thank you so very much for the thought, but you really should save for yourself. It's hard work to make coins in that game.
  15. Cblu

    March Chat Part 6

    Sorry again to hear about your friend's dad, Bogie. No.
  16. Cblu

    March Chat Part 6

    True. I still can't play PS. I hope I wasn't banned.
  17. Cblu

    March Chat Part 6

    That's awful, it says that shouldn't happen on the link.
  18. Cblu

    March Chat Part 6

    Hi Army! Sorry to be a lurker, everyone.
  19. Cblu

    March Chat Part 6

    Hi again, everyone. Sorry to leave without saying anything before, I had kids over. I was trying to read back but it was way too much, I'd never catch up.
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