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Everything posted by Cblu

  1. Cblu

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope you are all well!
  2. Cblu

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Hi Frannie Hi everyone! Quick drop in for hugs
  3. Dawn, have a nice trip! BG, glad it went well, despite all the discomfort. Best of luck for tomorrow. Yikes, two big exams in a row... When will you know the results?
  4. Hi Kijo! I'm here for a bit, then I have to go for a walk (exercise goal) and shopping. BG, by this time you must have finished your exam, I hope it went well! I have my fingers crossed for you. Gill, you should post a photo of your hand withall your shiny rings. I started a diet today...
  5. I already have 14 flags and my bet is that the missing one is the USA. The ones I have are: Portugal, England, Brazil, France, Italy, Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Australia, Mexico, Ivory Coast, Chile and Argentina. Here's an image:
  6. Just changed my profile pic. Anyone lurking about at this time? Hi Gill. Sounds like you have big works going on in your house! I'm OK, thanks for asking. My dad has been in hospital but recovered really well and hopefully is coming home this weekend. My kid started daily injections of growth hormone but has accepted it really well. He has a pen that makes it really easy. BG, best of luck for all your exams! Good luck for your mum too, hope she has nothing that is too complicated to treat. All the best wishes to her. As for the ellections, can you cast a white vote if you are unsure? Lots of hugs to you all.
  7. Hi again, everyone! and and Sorry to hear about your wisdom teeth, BG. Nice to hear your good news Tanya. Best of luck in learning to draw. Gill, just published a flag just for you. I'll try to do one a day, because I think you can't have more than one for each person. Anyone else struggling with collecting the flags, let me know. I haven't been playing much so sorry to neglect gifts and such.
  8. Hi everyone! Just dropping s. It's been ages. I haven't been playing much. Sorry to be a stranger. Gill, I saw your message and I published a couple Hideeni's for you today.
  9. Hi everyone! Sorry for my absense. I'm taking a break from playing PS and most Facebook games regularly, because it became too time consuming. Leaving hugs to all.
  10. Good morning GiIll and Dawn!
  11. Hi Kijo! Army is showing offline to me.
  12. Good morning! I'm up early, thought I'd stop by.
  13. Sorry! I was multitabbing... I have the coins already, but I don't know if I want to spend in it... I'm thinking...
  14. That's what the flat purple thing was, the blood mat! Odd how the blurring mixed the red and black.
  15. Do you think the new statue will be actually limited edition or will the hackers clone it to infinity?
  16. Hi everyone! Happy Anniversary, Gill and husband! (Is it actual day today?)
  17. Ah, here it is. The forum keeps giving me errors. I'm going to log off. See you later.
  18. Just published an out-of-this world...
  19. It's ok. Nothing remarkable. I might clean.
  20. Was trying to post and got an error... Hi Gill and Wish and everyone who might be around.
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