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Everything posted by Cblu

  1. At least you got that advantage, Army.
  2. How awful, Army, so sorry to hear.
  3. Ah, that's why you didn't show up, yesterday. Sorry to hear you were so poorly, Gill. Congrats for your bowling winnings, Army! It sounds like you're a pro at it.
  4. Good morning Gill and BG! Hope you can sleep soon Army. Insomnia is no good.
  5. Just wanted to treat you with something.
  6. Thanks! I changed the eyes to the blue version in game, but I'm not sure about it. You don't happen to have a smaller wish, by the way?
  7. It's very nice. I changed avvie again to add a wig to Cblu, I think it goes with the outfit better.
  8. Hehe... It's very well done, though... Was it Kijo who did it for you or...?
  9. She can confirm it's cold. I'm going to change my avvie...
  10. Me neither. I think it's just cold outside. According to iGoogle itºs 2ºC...
  11. Hi Army! I don't know if it's the day or me...
  12. Good morning! I'm freezing... Woke up just in time to put the trash out.
  13. Sorry, got distracted... Thanks for the offer, Frannie. I haven't figured out the ones I'm missing yet.
  14. Hi Frannie. Sorry to hear you have shingles. Goodnight, Wish!
  15. Hi Army! I'm good. I'm just adding more pictures to the hunt.
  16. Oops, my window was only letting me see 16. I corrected the mess now. Working on adding more soon...
  17. Happy Birthday, Bee! Hope you like the presents I've sent and you don't have them yet. Hi everyone
  18. I'm off too, see you all later.
  19. Thanks for the beautiful prizes and a fun game! Here I go again... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
  20. Goodnight, Frannie! See you later, Kijo. Dawn, I see, I'll try and do that, thanks for the suggestion!
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