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Everything posted by Cblu

  1. I just saw the new photo, BG. I know what you mean now about being too bright. I liked the copper tone you seemed to have in yesterday's photo better, but it's not a bad colour either way. You look good.
  2. I'm ok. Except I got addicted to another Facebook game...
  3. Hi everyone! Was reading back... Glad to see yesterday's evening went well with YD and you're proud of her. No extra white hairs, then. BG, those are lovely avvies and siggies.
  4. I just looked. The cut is great and I like the color, although you say it's not showing right.
  5. No, the normal coins, sorry. Someone posted on Facebook there's a new limit of 25000... It must be very hard to source the original hackers, because they spread their cloned stuff around soon they can. How can they know who started it? I'm sure they are doing what they can, but not being a programmer myself, I can only imagine the work that is. Going to see if I can find your photo.
  6. Facebook is slow this evening... Too many people online, I guess. I'm seeing posts about some new PS controversy... They're limiting the ammount of cash one can do a day. I don't understand why people are so quick to get angry about this. My guess is they're trying to stop the hacking.
  7. I wonder what it is... I wanted to gift you something for helping by I noticed you have all the bento food already. Anything you didn't get yet that you'd like?
  8. I was ordering groceries online and website went for maintenance until 4am... Will we all be able to see the surprise too, BG?
  9. Have a nice dinner, Gill, and see you later. Hope all goes well!
  10. Can't help but find this funny. I think I got them all now. I'm not sure about a few, but I'll wait on Kijo to check it out. It's the first time I take this seriously. I had a go at the triathlon one, but didn't finish.
  11. Hi Gill! I'm OK, been distracting myself with the scavenger hunt. Glad to hear you're pleased with your hair and that IMOM got his final egg.
  12. Hi Frannie! Hehe... I am not so sure about that shelf. BG, you're making me curious about that surprise to Kijo. Something handmade?
  13. Ooooh. Yes, I do! I'm going to take a peek now!
  14. Sorry for the delay, I'm multitasking and sorting some shopping... You're wise to make school the priority. I'm looking for the Classic Lamp Post.
  15. I hope she's right. Maybe wait before using the shampoo. I'm only missing an item in the hunt. This is very time consuming...
  16. Hi BG! Sorry to hear the highlights didn't come out as you wanted. Maybe you'll warm up to it?
  17. I don't think it's the viking helmet at all... It's something else...
  18. Thanks, Frannie! And Thanks KB for letting me see your museum. I'm probably totally off the mark with my guess, though.
  19. Not in my friends... Suggest to me, please?
  20. Zoonie doesn't have any of them... I don't think I have KB on my list?... Let me check...
  21. Nope. Shall I send back? I have one of those.
  22. Sorry, was sorting some mess out... Accepted, Frannie. It's one with dark horns. Looking at the database, I was guessing it was the silver, but Cblu never saw this thing in person, not being ancient enough.
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