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Everything posted by Cblu

  1. Zoonie is surprised, since it's usually the other way around. I'm going to play the difference game...
  2. I'm in a low mood, but nothing bad happened, so no real worries.
  3. Good to hear the cat does move. It's very subtle and I wasn't sure. Good morning, Kijo. Sorry to hear you're tired.
  4. Yes, I'm running out of space for trees and I don't want to throw them away. I'm hoping to get 4 PF cash from Hotel City and bonsai one of them for space... How much is the pot for the bonsai? Is the sleepy kitty in the kotatsu moving or am I going nuts?
  5. It's not a new seed, the new tree will be in the regular tree seed. At least it's what I was told when I asked someone on Facebook who was showing off the new trees.
  6. Hi Dawn! Hope you have a nice... or at least tolerable... day at work. Gill, I'm just having milk with coffee for breakfast. Yours sounds far healthier. New blue wig dye in shops! Very tempting.
  7. Good luck with all the declutering, Gill. I need to tidy up, but I can't imagine with this mood. Meh. Hi BG. Sorry to hear you are in pain. Hope you get better soon.
  8. Nothing bad happened, gladly. Don't worry.
  9. It's chilly here too. I'm in a sad mood, but hopefully it will pass.
  10. Hi everyone Hope it's hung by now.
  11. Sorry to miss you, Army, was chatting way on AIM. Going to close this tab for now. I'll be back later.
  12. Argh, most competitions from the eggstravaganza I thought I participated in, I actually didn't? Probably something failed while sending my PMs and I didn't double check my sentbox. All that work solving the puzzles for nothing.
  13. Hi everyone! Sorry to be a stranger. I hope you are all doing well. I'm achey and with a horrible mood from that time of the month. I wish it was raining so I didn' feel bad by waking up late, missing my kidn's playdate and not wanting to go out of the house now... Otherwise, it's all good, can't complain, really.
  14. Sending sticker soon PS opens. It has been unstable for me today. Wow, that's what I call tidying up. I need to get doing that too sometime.
  15. Hi Kijo Hi Bee Gill, your ED sounds a bit desperate, wanting to settle down for the sake of it instead of finding someone better. Does she listen to your advice at all?
  16. Wow, fantastic to be able to recognise buns like that. Poor Dennis, strangers probably triggered his "home marking" instinct... Hope he doesn't continue. I still remember what my cat did with my new sofa (when I last had a cat, over a decade ago). Never bring new furniture to you home. Hope ED finds a way to move on if the relationship is bad. The furniture upset just sounds like she probably wanted home to remaind the same as her childhood. Also to do with not feeling stable with her situation now. Look at me psychologising...
  17. Any of you still collecting stickers? I'm making a list of whom to send because having to go through my huge list of way too many people I added on Facebook looking for those who play PS was just not feasible and I got lazy with sending...
  18. Just published an egg just for Zoonie.
  19. That's cool, by the way, a real life taste challenge. Good opportunity to go "I'm not quite sure yet, can I have another."
  20. Argh. One of the bad ones. Sorry to hear about the tension with ED. It should have been all love and peace. Oh dear. Naughty cat! Ok. Good luck with that.
  21. Nice, quiet but way too caloric. Starting a diet today.
  22. Good morning, everyone! Glad to see you back. I'll be in and out, so sorry if I don't reply straight away. Sorry to hear about your cold, Gill. Hope you had a nice Easter.
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