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Everything posted by Cblu

  1. Cblu

    March Chat Part 4

    No worries, Boogs! What's up Kijo?
  2. Cblu

    March Chat Part 4

    That's so sweet. Thank you! Uh-oh... I'm on now. Hi Kijo! Nice to see you.
  3. Cblu

    March Chat Part 4

    I'm ok with buying stuff for myself now, I think. If I panic by the end of the week I'll let you know. Wish was an angel... I mean, fairy and she treated me to help my mum. She's just missing a vintage camera which went above the budget a bit.
  4. Cblu

    March Chat Part 4

    I'm good, and you? You didn't dream, it's true.
  5. Cblu

    March Chat Part 4

    Hi Bogie I'm sort of here.
  6. Cblu

    March Chat Part 4

    (Trying to st up a pic up here) Even if I just publish the egg for Gill, she can't catch it. That was happening yesterday.
  7. Cblu

    March Chat Part 4

    Piglet did catch the previous one, which I thought hasn't published because the window didn't disappear... Is it only with my eggs? I wonder if I was hacked or something.
  8. Cblu

    March Chat Part 4

    Thank you so much, Wish. (Sorry that egg post was a bit delayed. I forget this forum checks if someone posted in the meanwhile and that I have to click again)
  9. Cblu

    March Chat Part 4

    I just published another egg!
  10. Cblu

    March Chat Part 4

    Frannie, I hope you feel completely well soon. Is PF sorting these bugs?
  11. Cblu

    March Chat Part 4

    That's true. A whole season! I've been a runaway...
  12. Cblu

    March Chat Part 4

    I saw it now. Minicat! I haven't been a victim of that glitch yet. Just all the others...
  13. Cblu

    March Chat Part 4

    Don't tell me you didn't get one! She's ok with the basics for now. I also put a wish up for her at the official forums. She's been looking at the Easter stuff but didn't tell me what she wants yet, I'll ask her later. She likes to gift me things on top of not making any money because she has two friends.
  14. Cblu

    March Chat Part 4

    Yay, I got a four leaf clover! It was from my penultimate seed, it was that one or the last that's still growing. Now this was really lucky. Yes, Gill. I told her she could do a list. I will continue to kindly poke her into it.
  15. Cblu

    March Chat Part 4

    Uh-oh. That doesn't sound very easy to fix... I'm trying to persuade her to add people, but she's a still bit shy about these Internet things.
  16. Cblu

    March Chat Part 4

    Wish! Nice to see you too. I'm good. Got my mum into Pet Society and now she can play everyday, she has her own laptop. Hi Piglet!
  17. Cblu

    March Chat Part 4

    Good. I've read about your ceiling leak. I hope it's not too much trouble to fix!
  18. Cblu

    March Chat Part 4

    I published one, but don't keep your hopes too high... It might be worth a click, who knows if it works this time.
  19. Cblu

    March Chat Part 4

    Hideeni! Shared with everyone this time.
  20. Cblu

    March Chat Part 4

    Glad to hear, Tanya. Now you say it, maybe restricting makes the game "think" that all the other people got it except the person we give it to? Or something. Facebook is crazy.
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