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Everything posted by Paige<3

  1. wahooooooooo thankyou Kijo will start on this hunt later
  2. updated on page 78 have put all 20 in : fingers crossed
  3. WELCOME ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Im Looking For ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ What I Have To Trade ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ i can trade any one item for 2 uluru rocks thanks
  4. hello paige. nice to meet you. how are you today? Hello Piglet , nice to meet you to im fine thankyou , bit sleepy at the moment
  5. all sent dear! adding for u rep! thanks! items received
  6. lol yep :S hehe i luv ur entry Laz Bond
  7. Hey Chay can you pm me when you've sent the items , wanna make sure i receive them , cant trust the new fix and all lol
  8. i can give u 2x4999 for both, will that be ok? if not let me know ur offer.. sorry have only got 1*4999 left from buying things would 1*4999 + red stage coach decor be okay? if not its okay sure thing no problem! yes sure!! items sent , and a little gift too
  9. i can give u 2x4999 for both, will that be ok? if not let me know ur offer.. sorry have only got 1*4999 left from buying things would 1*4999 + red stage coach decor be okay? if not its okay
  10. can i know if mine are all right so far kijo? i think i only have one more to go , but its impossible for me to find
  11. Hello Chay , im looking for astro helmet and maroon beret how much for both? thanks x
  12. Hello oh no i just missed sophie
  13. good first siggy i owe my credits to Bobelle aswell , thats how i learnt how to use gimp
  14. yep lion petling , weird , wish they had done something like a panda petling or even fox
  15. I really haven't been very enthusiastic for new items of late, but next week's look scrummy See you Dawn, enjoy the rest of your weekend. Do you know, I'm ashamed to say I don't have a clue. Just discovered I only bought one Olympic torch myself, thought I'd bought more. Everything we have this week, is on display at Kitty's house, first three rooms, but I just haven't made the time to tally it all up I can't even remember what's new this week, oh, wait, café stuff. aww dont be ashamed i only bought one torch myself too , forgot to buy more , that week went past quick...
  16. [quote="Zoonie"] I'll have to look that up on the map, it's a massive state and I don't know whereabouts that is. It's really hard to leave friends and relocate, we've done it so many times, and if you just go with it, you'll be fine and soon get used to it. Keep us posted. sure gill xx just been in W.A my whole life , i've never even left the state ... oohhh u just reminded me!! i just forgot about the registry again!!! i posted that i would send some tws but i forgot! do u still need more items from this week Gill??
  17. http://blog.petsociety.com/2010/03/ francine there in there , the ps blog , cant see where they are on the forum either for some reason?
  18. It is? OMG what was I looking at then, runs over to PS to check BRB yep wish it was in other houses though lol LOL
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