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Everything posted by Paige<3

  1. Nice to meet you Nakuru , hope you enjoy it here!
  2. Paige<3

    I need some help!!

    congrats to you to Fash!
  3. Great thread Bee i've watched this show a few times , i recognized Penny , who plays Billy on Charmed
  4. hehe i had to babysit a rat one time she was so cute , but she kept biting my finger! and when i put her on my shoulders she would climb under my hair so i couldnt grab her! sneeky
  5. Thankyou Lea !! congrats to fashionista from me
  6. hehe i just noticed that!! how cute!
  7. Yay , im a language moderator now thanks to Lea
  8. omg !! i must of missed it , scrolled down to fast or something!! its adorable!!!!!! great job kijo!! love how he actually looks like hes pulling the arrow back to shoot!! clever , clever KIJO
  9. hehe if i could choose an article to write it would be Ask Paige... she has all the answers lol!!! (even though i dont!! )
  10. Paige<3

    I need some help!!

    haha yeh they must be wanting to do something in front of everyone else!! pandas wanting to sing in front of all the other pandas , cracks me up to imagine pandas singing!
  11. sorry kijo , thought u had gone yes im part of the fb group :dance4:
  12. my achievement today!! finally got the valentines items i needed by spending over 10 000 dollars!!!
  13. Hehe fash i think you would cover the fashion section
  14. Im here kijo! are u still here???
  15. Hehe i think it would be really cool if PSCF had their own magazine (on here i mean) that would be really cool
  16. Hello Kijo , Hello Gill, Hello Dawn to all of you and everyone else
  17. Paige<3

    I need some help!!

    just replied sorry couldnt be much help , my aunty who is full spanish could help me but i could only ring her tomorrow
  18. hello Paige I'm here but in and out - I'm at work :negative: Hello to you aswell Bee
  19. So sorry to hear that - both about your health and your bank problems. That happend to me last year too! Luckily they didn't get much as my bank account was almost empty (it was before payday) but it's the inconvenience and hassle that causes. Cancelling cards, phonecalls and arguments with bank for weeks (I had some charges imposed on me because of that so had to argue with bank to get that refunded as it was not my fault) but after about 6 weeks got it all sorted. I've closed that account since and left the bank as I was not happy about the way it was dealt with (they said they knew about fraudulent transactions on my account but no-one bothered to inform me). I hope it will be soon sorted for you and your health will impove soon too - try taking iron tablets, I found out I'm more tired when my iron is low as it affects your blood and the way it carries oxygen around your body. So sorry it happened to you too Its a horrid feeling like be burgled! Im taking multivits and that seems to brighten me up a bit Hi Paige Im here but a bit in and out at the moment hello Nicky
  20. Paige<3

    I need some help!!

    Hi Lea , i could probably translate it , i know a bit of spanish so i could probably make sense of it
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