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Everything posted by lyndelyn10

  1. sorry i'm just new here :/ no ideas
  2. i have pian whats your offer?
  3. pls accept my f/r i will choose soemthing from your house for ym tree stained pannel okay"??
  4. my tree stained for your princess swing seat
  5. hi me too..i need that and princess swing seat anyway i added u on facebook
  6. @chay: pls accept my f/r in facebook!
  7. thank you!!!! please add this account lynde_ibale@yahoo.com
  8. how much each lusious lips lounger bubblegum lips
  9. wanted list(i want to buy htese items) tree stained pannel pink lips pine apple hat bluebell dress fox plushie inca panpipes dolls i also need this :squitty: : [center][/center
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