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Everything posted by roberthadchiti

  1. Anyone trading or selling red ninja sandal and pants?
  2. hey can i know how much for those? Witch doll Zombie doll
  3. hello i need 3 cc and more for 3cc i offer 10x999.
  4. lol i need Grim Reaper Doll - 10x999 and Pet Fawkes Doll - for royal table and for 2cc and more 999?or just 2 cc sorry but i do not know very well the prices :/
  5. hello cha how much for Grim Reaper Doll and Pet Fawkes Doll i can offer 999 or cc
  7. chay should i send a fr for you 2cc vs piano and royal table?
  8. chay i live in lebanon from i month i do not know there is a problem i can't add more cc i only have 2cc ffrom 1 month .
  9. heywhat do you need vs snowman plushie and monster doll?
  10. i offer 2cc for royal table and piano i think 1cc=2x4999 if i am rong tell me please
  11. hello i am new here i do not know the price of each item can you tell me how much for royable dining table and piano and monster doll please?
  12. can know please it is wich JukeBox?
  13. i am trading 2 cc vs old juke box hope someone will reply;)
  14. I am trading my dragon doll.Offer me please Old NIS item old juke box red jukebox ....
  15. hey i need your old jukebox i offer 2 cc tell me if it is ok please
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