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Everything posted by Tsukiko

  1. Then wouldn't you use the manual Eject Button next to it? The yellow button next to the red one?
  2. is it really important what i think?
  3. Hello you guys~ I'm back. XD lol congrats earon for finding #2 and charlotte for finding #3! 709
  4. Goodness Pedja. XD I looked thorough your house and I didn't see it. XD i'll look again. (For fun of course! ) 698 ---- Two now.
  5. Earon, the Jester 1 was very easy to find actually. XD Maybe its cuz may ppl are busy right now? idk. My brother would probably like to join, but hes still a little young. 690
  6. maybe then it could be a city that just moves wherever so the view doesn't get boring? and incase of any super emergencies, wouldnt an eject button work?
  7. Glad you enjoyed my idea Pedja! And thanks for the complement Earon. It's fun making up scenarios. 661
  8. Then may I have the Aquamarine colored wig for 3*999? Still deciding if I want the other one or not. XD
  9. hmm... a plan B? Then, what if that bubble dome was actually Titanium stretched really thin? or some other strong metal?
  10. Thank you! The next person will get a Maple Syrup Cake and a Sticky Rice Packet.
  11. That would be very interesting. I think there should be a false door and when you click on it a pie hits you in the face. And maybe another door that is real, and looks exactly the same. "Which will you pick for the grand prize? Door #1 or Door #2?" Then put two fake doors next to each other. *Door #1* BAM Pie in the face. "Ooo sorry. . . Bad luck. Here I'll let you try the other one." *Door #2* BAM Another pie in the face. "Hmmm... Guess it just wasn't meant to be." *Shrugs* BUT You get an ALL EXPENSE PAID TRIP TO----- your house! Just make sure to use the other door in the other room. . . . 656
  12. i think it would, but what if we made little bubble-like domes that somehow used the water and sunlight in the sea to make air and electricity for us?
  13. How much each for the Blue Wigs and the Dark Pink Straw Hat? (Where could've you gotten the hat btw?)
  14. Thanks Earon and Pedja! Wow thats really amazing! Can't wait to see the bundles and old le ! How exciting! (. . . Its kinda fun to make the letters really small... ) 649
  15. Wait... I'm kinda confused? XD New items is what I'm getting from this! Can't wait to see them. *Goes off to check* XD 645
  16. Thanks for the boat! For this week, may I ask for the LE item as well please?
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