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Posts posted by Ursula1

  1.  thursd12.gif

    Hi!!! One day left and it will be friday!

    How is going your week? I've had a lot of cleaning to do and I discovered what lives below the furniture... tons of dust!!!
    I've had a lot of family issues too: my mun has been ill, so I tought I should visit her, but now she's better and she doesn't want me to travel so many hours to do that. My dad is sad too because a car run over his favourite cat. But not all news are bad... My best friend is having a baby!!! I wish I could be with her congratulations

    How about you? Smile

  2. smorkle wrote:
    how did you move your house to the back? i didn't know we could do that.... gonna have to go see about that! congratulations

    I moved it before placing the floor, but at first it was by mistake Laughing

    Tiddly Winks wrote:
    I hate the new photo program they have on Facebook, I could only get the thumbnail.

    I just took the foto as I do with my pet and it looked that way, so I don't know if they have changed anything Sad

    Smorkle, Tiddly, great houses congratulations

  3. Hi, sweeties!!!

    This is a "show your new amazing PS home" thread. Come on, I'm sure many of you are really good at decorating, so share your new creations!!!

    I'm starting with my non-incredible new front garden. I hope PF release more windows, these look a little bit weird, but you get the idea congratulations

    Maybe it's not amazing, but it's a start!!! ^___^

  4. myladyyawo wrote:
    I actually lost 10,000 coins due to the expansion I thought was only 1000 I tried to refresh and it was still gone. So frustrating now I can't even decorate the house until I do my next set of visits. So much for everything I've saved!

    I guess I have to be thankfully that my game isn't really lagging though, Thank you for those that helped me with the 6 bird house items! xx

    That's what happened to me, too. I thought it was 1000 coins Sad I had spend a whole week earning those coins. Maybe we were expecting something more great than a garden decoration. I like it, but not as much as I thought. And I can't stand that lag Sad

    I hope they fix it soon Smile

  5. Lucky Strike wrote:
    Ursula wrote:
    ayathon wrote:
    hmmm... so I didn't actually loss the wheel? but I havetried it, going to other rooms, the wheel haven't show again... congratulations

    It only happens if you go to another room after accepting shovels and losing the lottery. If you reload the game, I think it's not there, but I think too that you get the coins anyway. Nevertheless, today I got shovels and the lottery, so maybe PF has fixed it Smile

    Red: That I believe too Smile

    Green: Not to me... Sad

    Then, reload the game without saving. The money is there and if you take a look at your chest, the prize will be there too.
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