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About Lavender

  • Birthday 12/07/1983
  1. ooooooh pedja i loooove this you did such a nice job with it too, i am telling ya you could be a pet society interior designer!! dixys house is so great! and this great too i am excited to find the differences!
  2. sure send payment out and i will send it right over!
  3. hi i am sending u a f/r i have some extra fences i can gift you if u still need some more!
  4. jeepers u guys are busy!!!! when i was a teenager i spent alot of time (tooo much time just hanging out with my friends LOL) i would consider my life busy now as well but in a much different way, as i am now a ma ma i spend my day looking after my two boys, Levi 2 and Gabriel 7 months so my days are choc full of running around and chasing levi,, AND gabe as he now crawls EVERYWHERE and tries to eat EVERYTHING!!! Levi likes to climb anything and everything in the house, i also do ALOT of laundry its amazing to me how much there is to do, so there u have it busy but waaaay different, and i wouldn't change it for the world.
  5. i am so sorry to hear that, i hope that everything is ok, i have been thinking lot about my personal health lately, that 'ol saying if u ain't got your health you aint got anything keeps ringing in my ears and there is a lot of truth to it i am going to make a more of an effort to get back on track with yearly physicals and not shy away from my dr anymore! i find it strange how alot of times it takes a scary experience to really open our eyes and put us back in our place, humbling.
  6. I am reposting my post.. I would like to buy the ugly duckling bundle if it is still available. Tnx. Hello there sooo sooo sorry about the wait, i posted in the cafe that i have been away because my father was in a very severe accident and so i have been a bit busy helping him out theses past few weeks, i do have the bundle available if u still would like it and i got ur message about the table and i sure can help u out with that. Thanks so much and agian, sorry about the wait. How's your dad? Can you reserved the bundle for me? until next week? I think I'll gonna save my 5999's for the Rapunzel dye table this coming week.. tnx i can and willl reserve the bundle for u, also my dad is doing ok a bit down in the dumps. but we r working on that, thanks so much for asking.
  7. thanks guys!! well my dad is doing ok, he is home now so that is a good thing, he still has alot of corrective surgery ahead of him though . He was working on a big truck and had a ball joint or bearing something like that, it was a 4 inch steel ball shoot out and enter through his neck and it got lodged in the back of his skull, crazy the EMT said it was the same as holding a shot gun to his face and it going off. the DRs said they don't know how he survived it scary scary stuff!! he has lost eye sight in his left eye and nerve damage to his face and a huge hole that is still there, it will close as it all heals and with surgery and skin grafting, it really is a blessing that he made it and is an eye opening experience as to how fragile and important our lives really are. it makes me hold my two little boys a lot tighter!
  8. hi there could i get the brushes decor and the tissue box for 10x999 for both? i will send a f/r out after i hear back thanks so much!!!
  9. at this time i only have a few bundles left so i am not giving out discounts, let me know if u r still interested anyway though sorry
  10. i still have these available if ur interested, sorry about the wait the past few weeks have been a bit crazy for my family.... just let me know, send me a friend request on facebook and say u r from psfc so i know to add u, after i accept send ouut payment and i will send out the bundles. thanks sooo much!!
  11. hi there i am sooo sorry about the wait, i do still have these items available if u r still interested just let me know, thanks soo much!!
  12. I am reposting my post.. I would like to buy the ugly duckling bundle if it is still available. Tnx. Hello there sooo sooo sorry about the wait, i posted in the cafe that i have been away because my father was in a very severe accident and so i have been a bit busy helping him out theses past few weeks, i do have the bundle available if u still would like it and i got ur message about the table and i sure can help u out with that. Thanks so much and agian, sorry about the wait.
  13. hi all, i have yet to check my shop, next on my list, i just want to say sorry if anyone has been waiting for a reply, or wondering whats going on..... i ahve not logged on here in a few weeks. My dad had a SEVERE accident and we (my sister and I) have been in the hospital, and then home with him helping to care for him and the farm he owns. so... with that said, i will now be able to respond to any messages or posts. Thanks so much!!!
  14. I have noticed that on the home page there has not been the sneak peak of next weeks new items! i look so forward to that! I hope that this is not something that is no longer available, anyone have any info?
  15. hi pedja the two items that i wanted were on page 48 of 90 the econd row down they are the 2nd item in you have 3 of them and the 5th item in hope that helps thanks!
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