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Everything posted by arttt_anime

  1. yahuuu...another one for me....will call u bro takata
  2. will update latest display tonite
  3. sumthing that doesnt apear in their country hehehhehe
  4. every weekend going to perak bro
  5. alaaaa.....bro....if u shy..bring to my home tonite..
  6. wait bro...still werking...got meeting tonite...after that i post
  7. wohooooo.....sakit mata tgk thunt ko....geraaammmm... anyway...my latest ONE...
  8. hehehehe will post pic tonite...get ready boyzzz
  9. hehehehe...no..laa...ajar baby kumpul benda lain...hehehehe
  10. no laaaa....some collectors gave their empty boxes
  11. i got the FE as well...penzoil tampo...
  12. HERGHHHHH....hehehe.....adala jugak
  13. enjoy..my display end of 2008.....
  14. hello....my first ever to post my recent haul in this forum..
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