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Posts posted by aphong2681

  1. danielh wrote:
    wildspirit wrote:
    hoping one day i would score something like this. Not everytime people have a drink on me. What to do its not my bargains Rolling Eyes

    no worries wildspirit, you will score these one day or sooner. I've learned this from feedback and during discussion, in the forum and on weekly meeting but you need to keep on going hunting. For you info, i've also score nothing in the beginning but eventually you will see the result in the end. One thing you had to keep in your mind, never expect miracles during hunting or you'll be feeling frustrated and dissappointed all the way.

    Enjoy hunting and you'll learn more than scoring
    . cheers!!


  2. it could b for security reason on why they do not allow taking picture in their store.. but i do not remember seeing any sign of no taking pictures in MJ, so I'm thinkin u did nothing wrong.

  3. Nrik Kueh wrote:
    eight wrote:
    very sad to hear this... thanks for the info... i see subang is hot area for crime... what is police doing about this problem? go to police station they will say... "ala tempat ni da biasa/selalu ada kes curi..." em...

    we will have to be extra careful when parking car anywhere nowadays... i learned my lesson few years back when i my car window was broken and they stole my bag & jacket... dont ever leave anything in the car... does not matter expansive thing or not... the thief will steel anything they see...

    How about tinting the window dark black? Like that they can't see inside.

    It's against the law lar bro.. Anyway, what's the point if they can't see inside? They still gonna steal it. Worst if they even kidnap a person and no one can see from outside.
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