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Posts posted by aphong2681

  1. enyomic wrote:
    actually the ferrari 5 car pack over produce untill spill over every where ..... i c tons of them in singapore and it's darn scary ....

    Yeah, they even change the packaging for few other 5 packs as well..
    like General Motors 5 pack (the new packaging with new name GM Tribute)

    Almost bought the Ferrari 5 in new packaging liao, but lucky found d old one to compare, so tak jadi..

  2. xebec-Crash wrote:
    danielh wrote:
    nice surprice haul xebec!!!! Wow! didn't know that thunt sold at this price in Brunei and somemore it's rare one.

    Thks danielh...i also didn't know the price so high and this is my 2nd TH$ so far (my 1st TH$ is 5 years ago hehe).. how about in malaysia is the price also expensive?

    Nope. Same price as with other basic cars.

  3. Jusco r having promotion now.. all HW 5 pack selling at RM26.90..discount another 15% if u're a JCard member..the same for basic cars (now @ RM4.90)

  4. undercoverbrother wrote:

    ... and not necessarily they need to 'change' their children for that unless the kids themselves wanted to.

    totally agree on this..

  • So bro netmatrix, did the father bought the school bus?

    BTW, how does a collector looks like? We have a few parents here as collector as well. How can we decide a person we randomly met while browsing thru HW is a collector or not? Can I say a grandmother whom I met while browsing on MB cars is buying it for the purpose of reselling them? I believe we all do came accross all kind of ppl when goin hunting right? These 'ppl' could be buying as a gift as well, right?

    What I'm trying to make it clear here is we cannot make simple judgement against a person whom we randomly just met. Whether one can/cannot buy what one desire for what ever reasons.

    Rich kids buying expensive toys? That's just so wrong! Yes they can afford to buy expensive-bigger toys, but they can't enjoy cheaper toys too? It doesn't mean that they are rich so they can't save $$$ as well. Not every rich thinks the same..

    What good do one get having so much money, but cannot enjoy life? Money is not the answer to everything!

    What do I get by envying my friends who is drivin/riding to college
    when I myself took a 2hrs bus ride daily? What good do I get knowing that now I'm driving my own car to work and some
    dudes still driving their sport car which was a gift from parents?

    Satisfaction bro. One could continue envy and achieve nothing but more whining, but one could as well stop envy and start doing something!

    From parents' point of view, I do not think it was b'coz of 'kiasuism' but more to trying to provide the best to their children. The father could be buying a beemer 3-series for the son after considering various aspect like the comfortness, built quality, safety, etc..

    U can stop collecting HW and start new collecting hobby. But can u stay away from hoarders? I can't! Amulets, stamps, CDs, etc..it's all the same..

    To me, u shld do what u feel like u want to do. Collect what u like and don't waste ur time/energy & stress urself thinking abt wht others do. You know y u had picked up this hobby! So cheer up bro! Very Happy

  • It's still a hobby to all of us man..we collect the cars that we like right? And it happen that some cars are highly sought after by collectors resulting it to be hard to find. The father could be a collector himself. He could be taking/buying the extra for many other reasons. It could use trade/swap or even sell to other collectors. But b4 buying it for himself, he could be asking the son juz to make sure that the son really don't want the car??

    My concern is why shld we be bothered by his action? I mean, u alr let the car go since u don't want it, right? No regrets? Unless u had been thinkin abt it 'value' urself..It sad to me to hear how u felt but u r the one who triggered it. I won't deny that I sometime was caught up in similar situation as well - to buy it for its value or to buy it bcoz i like it? Unless if someone had told me to help to look for it, i won't buy it.

    So chilled up bro and let's enjoy the hobby. If someone decided to hoard it, let them be. It's not the end of day if we miss the model that we want so much, right? Hardwork always pay, and the joy u felt after u had found it can't be describe by words only.. Very Happy

    I gotta agree that the CTR is HTF. But other models are quite ez to score bro. The MB white Subaru police car, dark green 911 GT3 & black viper are ez to get during the 7-11 promo in April, and still ez to score nowadays..

  • GCW wrote:
    Interesting setup, Eight. Can you post a macro shot of with this setup. I'm puzzled why the car appear so clear through the transluscent white pail.

    Bro GCW, a hole was cut out on the side of the pail. You can refer to bro Rayz-HWC's post above.
    He already detailed out the steps as well. Happy shooting the photos!
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