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Everything posted by RGSUKAN

  1. its not a superbird, its a dodge daytona..both of them got similar feature but its really different.. Thanks for info, u are very knowledgeable : no lahhhh...just sharing what i know only, me too still learning... correct me if im wrong....
  2. thanks..wait, your will come soon..now looking for TH buick riviera pulak which i dont have too....
  3. yeke? tak caya ahhh...baru tadi ko cakap ko ada super...elehhhh..
  4. its not a superbird, its a dodge daytona..both of them got similar feature but its really different..

    half year haul

    man...that was superb man, your old stuff makes my eyes pop out...

    half year haul

    wow..i like your 1993 camaro
  7. tapi tak terlawan TR ko beb.....
  8. version 2 opened....mr. mod please lock this thread... thanks...
  9. takde...kalo ada sure aku dah sauk dahhhh....
  10. thanks bro...hope you can score it too soon..
  11. thanks bro..pasni kita serbu 7E plak...hehehe
  12. takpe...tunggu 7E punya promo, sure mendapat punya..jangan masuk corvette jugak dah..fobia aku TH kaler orenni....
  13. noted...doa doakanla ya..untuk kita bersama sama....huhuhh
  14. [quote="sahama"] i heard someone scored a $uper too before me...
  15. have no ideala bro..just grab what i want only...some of them kena tebuk ady..i just left them there...
  16. i like your pics sinclair, and of course the car too..
  17. this one really nice, but still cannot find it here...
  18. yaa..very nice, i got this too..but, roadster version, Ferrari Shell version..hehehehhe
  19. perghhhh..ni kalo offer $200pun tak tentu dapat lagini.....VVHTF stuffni...
  20. bg la chance org lain plak... this time, luck matters bro..huhuhu
  21. no worries bro..i can confirm taht you'll score it soon....believe me..
  22. hahaha..betul betul....
  23. confirm takde....tapi yang lain banyak...1 kotak ada 1 mini, 4 back to the future, 2 batman...aku tak amek semua..silap silap THpun ada lagitu....
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