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Everything posted by cloudy

  1. these are RLC cars... snake loose it !!!
  2. Full set vam de kamp, is there anyone see this before? Nice error, 3 10 spk wheels, only 1 5 spk. Simple haul. Beloved RR drag bus, so blink ! One of the oldest drag bus. Loose bus, damn nice! 05 Mystery set. 05 Mystery set. Sux t-hunt. Opps, wrong place, anyone wants to trade hw cars with this rare spawn kubrick?
  3. the insider no longer trouble me, since I quit to hunt anymore. What I'm doing is work like a cow and spam all my earns into drag bus. After it, no more hot wheels for me. It's a good hobby but maybe not for me. I'm not born for things that required luck.
  4. to me only left 'sad' instead of 'syok'
  5. stop complaining about insider, I did that before but now I realize even without insider I can't get any hunts too. Yes, no kidding, this is sux but facts as well, being an unlucky person, this is the thing I must accept. So the way I do is work hard for $$$ and spend to ebay. You can get whatever there, what is the matter to support scalper. They did their jobs and they deserve the the earns, you save time and effort for those cars you want, this is a win-win situation, so, rather than stopping them, why don we just relax and let them hunt for us.
  6. simple bro, all you need is just go and offer those insider a superb big fortune which other collectors will never do. Then you might bring down the entire insider things by ruining their market ''
  7. Just think of it, there will no longer have any thunts if that place have insiders. Insider won't let any thunt hang on the rack and waiting for the lucky guys, so chances for luck was 0%. This is not luck or dust, just F**K.
  8. the bad news is, in kk there were only several hunting ground left. giant stop restock for it, 7E too. those leftover hunting place was flooded by insider and scalper. good game for all the hw collectors in kk.
  9. I totally backing up hokuan, must get those insider some punishment. javascript:emoticonp('')
  10. Ya, I totally back up snake, I likely hunting everyday yet always got behind by someone else. This is ridiculous, aren't this a fair game... If there were insider in those stores, then we should took them out... do whatever we can for it... fight the right of HW collectors !!!
  11. I'm the most unlucky hunter in KK.... hunt that much.. got nothing sigh
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