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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. i didnt sleep at night!! Thats the way of Vampire haul!!!
  2. aheheheh!! Cant sapu all lah bro!! Leave some to others!! Melaka?? No lah!! Mane mau cari tu banyak $$$???
  3. not yet loose ler..that Hawai Fine O!! Yet to find nice Fangula to match that rubber!!
  4. haiyo!! I learn that from the old timer & senior here ma! ...err...PY Style??? My hand look far more smooth than PY!!
  5. i tak sapu kat jb ler!! only manage to go 3 outlet in JB!! The rest is from....
  6. aiyak!! Blister also got variant ah??? Btw...artt...both the mustang r international card or US card???
  7. those cars r more nicer than the greenies!! Congrats!!
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