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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. I THINK U DONT NEED ANY GREEN TO HAUL THE T-HUNT!! For Wildspirit....u need only $$$$$ to haul those green!! anyway..thanks for the comments..bro!!
  2. its Tesco "bukit Indah" jb ler!! why?? u wanna come over ?? Thanks bro!!
  3. ahahahah!! Lucky i act fast!!! BUT no harm on showing ur latest green haul with this green bag together..again!!
  4. WOW! Belong to the "kerabat DiRaja"???
  5. today paper : 55 golds in 5 days by China!! Damm!!
  6. yup!! so long didnt score green liao untuil this Ford GTXi show up! Ranting?? he heh!!
  7. mane ade?? Jus no luck on the green!! And busy in work..so really slow in hauling from the peg! Rather go to the sales thread or e-bay to haul!! Btw....thanks for tips!! Now i know where to find the R34 & Evo X liao!!
  8. aikk!! memang "kaki Kamaro" lah lu!! Really nice haul there!!! Keep it up...bro!!!
  9. pengsan tengok lu punya haul!!! Berbuih-buih mulut ku!! Tahniah...tahniah!!
  10. scalper of JB!! ******cabut******!
  11. alamak!!! restock with old wave..again?? Good one...bro!!
  12. u gotta believe this ....guy!!! "GREEN" rules!!!!!!!!!!!!! as yesterday was holiday....go to TESCO for jalan jalan ...! As usual...nowdays all the hypermart goes green..."No plastic Bag days"! So go and grab a piece of recycle bag at a price of RM3.99!!...and is limited edition too!! Lot of disney character to choose from....and i grab the green colour one. Then go directly to the toys section and looking for the HW racks.....! Yes!! This wat i found!!!!! Got 2 piece of this green casting ady...BUT this the 1st i haul from the peg!! Funny thing is...no sign of EVO X & R34!! ooooooooooooooo...............greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!! regular only....no luck on $uper!!!! Muahahahahah! Spoiler:
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