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Everything posted by kelvinator21

  1. i want to touch your naked dodge charger srt8!! ~~~~~~
  2. excellent haul, brother!!! Yo.. you strip them naked already ah.. wao... i wish i can strip mine too .. muahaha..
  3. PM you back already, bro..
  4. hai hai... one thing that delays my custom job is ... good good wheels.. muahahaha ... Hope danielh has a good source for me, man..
  5. Haha.. no la, bro.. just passing through here.. Welcome to the Club, brother!! And have a nice evening.. Note: Glad to hear they are safe and sound.. haha
  6. yo Danielh!!! wow... Since the decal paper arrived, you've been a busy bee huh!!! Congrats on those stunning custom cars man!!! you're the MAN!!!
  7. Thank you again, bro.. nice comment ya..
  8. Wowo!!! thanks for the aprreciation, brother!! By the way... i love the sound of thunt$ hunter.. haha.. almost like the PREDATORS eh.. hahaha..
  9. Congrats on the Gangster Grin Haul, brother!! Wow.. Another happy haul ya... cheers!!
  10. Thanks, brother!! Yeah man.. Chrome color eh.. still need to find the perfect chrome to satisfy my taste though.. hehe.. Have a good day yo!!! ..
  11. Thanks for ur appreciation, Danielh-san.. i love those 'tooned version when i first seen it in the year 2004.. that's why Gangster Grin has the look to be reborn into GANGSTER GRINATOR!! HAHA.. The next custom will be Shelby Cobra Daytona Coupe.. Don't know can find a spectraflame color or not.. have you seen the MyVi PINK COLOR LIMITED EDITION? Wowwww~~~~!! Damn nice color.. but of course not for man.. it will looks totally GAY!!! Muahahah,... Cheers~~!
  12. Thanks for the comment, bro. Agree with the color indeed!
  13. Thanks for the comment, bro.. that back view is the one that shows its true color eh...
  14. I love big big tires.. rims.. exhaust-pipes.. all big big... and of course must mix with small small too .. haha.. i was still thinking of cutting out the hood and install a scoop with powerful engine though.. i need it to feel VERY POWERFUL.. so that it can fly.. haha.. not to install wings or anything like that.. haha...
  15. THERE HAS A LOOSE ONE.. WELL.. THE PROBLEM IS HOW MUCH ONES TO SELL EH.. Yup, that's right and headache oso bro! muahaha... half of normal price since it's 2nd hand car keeke.. btw congrats on the $uper Gangster Grin.. veli veli niceeee Thank you for the comment, bro. Now it can be consider as second hands.. when times passes by, it will be consider as valuable car already.. agree?
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