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Everything posted by kelvinator21

  1. kelvinator21


    sat sat.. kuih tao sat...
  2. wow!!! sat liao man.. sat liao... bravo!!!
  3. thanks bro.. you will soon have some of those cars soon.. hehe..
  4. haha.. don't like that la.. bro.. just friendly trades.. that's all.. anyway.. thanks for the comment, bro all hotwheels collectors are nice people!! That's the fact eh..
  5. Thanks for the comment bro.. I have confident that all will soon obtain all cars here eh.. have faith..
  6. Well.. finally my baby is ready... ladies & gentlemen.. a small modification to my previous customized GANGSTER GRIN.. i proudly present to you all ... my baby.. my precious.. i call it GANGSTER GRINATOR!! Enjoy the pics and let me know deep down of ur thoughts and opinions ya.. thank you..***images in progress of an Update - thanks for the patience***
  7. thanks for the comment bro.. but not yet.. not yet..~~~ after i fully modified it... then i will of course let you swallow it ya... haha.. the time will come...
  8. thanks bro.. hardwork is the key to hunt in order to own it.. hope that will give a little fire in our collection spirit ya.. hehe..
  9. yo bro.. i know what you mean by watching the real 1 on the road.. its called fantasize it ya.. haha.. but right now.. for me.. i am fantasize the small car and even thought of molding the whole car parts as well.. yes.. the tires and the rims.. hehe.. hopefully can mass production it too .. muahahah ..
  10. I think that is the SM Citroen. Dem, I want that green Evo and green Reventon. Yo master sinclair.. you know what, when i see that citroen, really cannot compare to the 2010 mainline red citroen la.. its the color that matters all ya.. agreed? i am still finding a way to spray 2 tones color to a one car..really headache man.. the side tampos is piece of cake.. i mean still need a little patient to done that but i did.. just not so finding that particular solution to the 2 tones yet.. like the GANGSTER GRIN i just customized, i sprayed 3 times with first: 2 tones of color by using taps, unsuccessful. secondly: using paper with uhu glue stick to the body, end up spoiling both color. thirdly: spray the paper with acrylic clear spray to it and then wait to it to dry and hope that it won't 'eat up' the first tone color..still unsuccessful.. So master sinclair.. a tips or some would be much appreciated .. hehe.. Always spray the light colors first. Then dry it, use hair dryer if necessary to make sure completely dry. Then mask with tape and spray second darker color. Better quality tape will minimise bleeding. Spraying a few light coats and waiting to dry between each coat will also help. Try not to make both colors too thick. Then finish with clearcoat. Btw, shouldn't ask me la, I'm a noob at custom. Should ask those sifu at customs. thanks for the tips bro.. anyway.. i've tried the tape..even the quality ones.. i wanted to have tampos on it.. using spray can.. even waited for 1 to 2 days period to let it totally dry, the layer where i used the tap together with the layer being sprayed on it comes up .. haha.. this really makes my heart break.. that's why.. its been testing it for few times now.. so.. that's the story behind my custom car.. if you have seen a 2 layer color in one of my car..that's mean i've successfully make it.. hehe.. don't know when yet.. think until the brain blows up..muahaha..
  11. thanks for the comment bro.. yes.. it gets even poison in a later time eh.. hehe..
  12. thanks man.. still unfinished with the customizing it yet..hehe..please bear with me..
  13. thanks bro.. now all it takes is the time given to do "extensive research" to come out a good customize cars out of those specially pick.. hehe..
  14. .. every customizer has their reason to their creation, and yes, the ganster grin supposed to be bold and stand out by itself! haha.. hope to see the final custom of this gangster grin outcome, cheers!!!! Thanks man.. i'm working on it.. it uses all my brain energy.. if you know what i mean.. haha..
  15. thanks brother.. will post more pics soon after all the cars are in the market alright man.. be patient.. hehe..
  16. Thanks man.. show some of your cars too bro.. anxious to see them too..
  17. thanks man.. yes.. 67 camaro..you will see it soon on the market.. hehe
  18. too cool man.. ur dd.. bravo!! i guess is the Anakin Skywalker..
  19. jhc7598 & sahama Thanks for the comment, bro.. hope this month everybody a winner ya... good luck in hunting great, sexy, sports & exotic cars ya..
  20. haha.. don't like that la.. bro.. just friendly trades.. that's all.. anyway.. thanks for the comment, bro
  21. I think that is the SM Citroen. Dem, I want that green Evo and green Reventon. Yo master sinclair.. you know what, when i see that citroen, really cannot compare to the 2010 mainline red citroen la.. its the color that matters all ya.. agreed? i am still finding a way to spray 2 tones color to a one car..really headache man.. the side tampos is piece of cake.. i mean still need a little patient to done that but i did.. just not so finding that particular solution to the 2 tones yet.. like the GANGSTER GRIN i just customized, i sprayed 3 times with first: 2 tones of color by using taps, unsuccessful. secondly: using paper with uhu glue stick to the body, end up spoiling both color. thirdly: spray the paper with acrylic clear spray to it and then wait to it to dry and hope that it won't 'eat up' the first tone color..still unsuccessful.. So master sinclair.. a tips or some would be much appreciated .. hehe..
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