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Everything posted by kelvinator21

  1. chee keng hong Yo man.. you know what.. i totally agree with you man.. that super ratbomb's rear wheels.. my God.. its smaller compare to the regular.. And the rims.. hai.. why not make it more nastier eh... like the tornado style rims.. you know what i mean.. i think i need someone to customize it liao.. kekeke..
  2. Loose-Wheel Non taken bro.. I don't care if its a bad choice or what.. as long as it is hot wheels.. all the collectors will still need to collect it .. haha.. (like me.. that's why hot wheels company always win... Even though its not a 'car' for some nor what we can see on the road.. i really really like the design man... pheew... i wish i can drive this for a stunt in real life... cheers bro..
  3. jhc7598 I know ...i know .. bro.. That's why there's always an option to trade right.. hehe.. i don't expect to find a super at my local stores .. hahaha.. that is called IMPOSSIBLE ... bro.. but what i found last night was a miracle.. kekeke.. hope there's anyone out there can have this one variant too .. good luck to you bro..
  4. musclemania Yes indeed brother!! One of them is me... muahahahah ...
  5. Hi everyone.. its good to see these super & regular RATBOMB with loose and carded ... I know most of you guyz out there already own some of these but i am so "FEVER HIGH" right now about these fine design of the car.. ladies and gentlemen... here's the fine SUPER & REGULAR RATBOMB.. Enjoy the pics ya.. REGULAR RATBOMB - I STILL PREFER THE BIGGER RIMS AT THE BACK .. COMPARE TO THE SUPER.. HAI~~ BUT I STILL LOVE IT!!! KEKEKE... ALL THESE FINE CARS.. MANY THANKS TO ONE OF MY FRENS IN THE WEST...
  6. Yo.. ppl.. i just found out about this last night when i'm enjoying looking at this fine "treasure" !! It seems tat there's a variant among these SUPER TH$ CHEVROLETOR... There's a silver painted & chrome painted on both side of the car and also the interior...check it out.. Good luck in finding the variants.. ppl .. Enjoy.~~
  7. Fantastic ya.. i just got a few more of this model.. c if there's any variations or not eh.. this is getting so wild and crazy ah... wow!~~~
  8. solid snake Since you've found the variants.. this model sold out so fast man.. muahaha..
  9. solid snake U're welcome bro.. Well.. i think 16pcs ...
  10. jhc7598 U're welcome bro... Hopefully the red has not too many variations ah.. headache man... muahaha
  11. mushr00m And of course.. the MISSING 'R' at rear trunk.. Thanks man..
  12. Hi guyz.. thanks to solid snake .. i just got this new batch of scirocco GT 24 together with my previous haul, i saw so many different(might called variants as well) in this just one design, one color VW SCIROCCO GT 24. Here's the pics...enjoy~~!! Variation (Group 1): 1. Base B38 with CLEAR WINDOWS 2. BELOW SPOILER HAS NUMBERS (R0948 -2019) WITH NUMBER 1-4 variations 3. An EXTREMELY DARK BLUE BODY PAINT 4. Full white tampos at side. Variation (Group 2): 1. Base B44 with PINK TINTED WINDOWS 2. BELOW SPOILER HAS NUMBERS (R0948 -2019) WITH NUMBER 1-4 variations Variantion (GROUP 3): 1. BASE B50 with CLEAR TINTED WINDOWS SO FAR, these are the variations that i can find... maybe there's more out there who has rare finding of variations ya... this might be nightmare for some that collects scirocco gt24 eh.. Don't know what's coming next for the second color (RED) eh.. Good luck to you all .. and AGAIN, all credits goes to solid snake that shares his finding ah... Many thanks, bro!! And let's share it together, alright ppl..
  13. Have already, bro.. thanks for the offer..
  14. Hi, i have super thunt$ CHEVROLETOR and i want: 1. TH$ FIRE-EATER (INTERNATIONAL CARDED) OR 2. TH$ '37 FORD (INTERNATIONAL CARDED) OR 3. TH$ '65 FORD MUSTANG (INTERNATIONAL CARDED) OR 4. TH$ BONE SHAKER (VARIANTS WHEELS / LONG INTL. CARDED OR SHORT CARDED) PM. Thanks. P/S: If you have more TH$ from any of the above list, welcome too. (carded must be mint, no crease or bended. As mine is mint)
  15. no... where got bent card... use protecto pack.. kekeke..
  16. Bravo, bro!!!~~~ Let's sleep with our hot wheels collections tonight..hehe...i feel high now..on the cars now......muaahahaha...
  17. Keep up the good work, bro.. I love that word... "To serve and Protect".. transformers bad dude is "To Punish & Enslave"...
  18. If anyone has idea(s) on how to capture a photograph with multiples carded cars.. please do share abit ya... i wanted to capture it with styles.. if you know what i mean.. hehe..
  19. the rims for this camaro concept n chevroletor are damn nice.. i wish danielh to custom for my mercy breaker ..i mean front wheels .. rrex.. and the back wheels.. hmm.. how about the neet streeter eh.. cool huh.. just wondering.. hehe...
  20. pydrumerboy totally makes 'THE' sense, bro.. Thank you for your comment..
  21. Calm down people.. its ok.. no big deal ya... relax and enjoy the pics.. hehe..
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