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Everything posted by kelvinator21

  1. Haha.. don't worry sinclair.. its coming ..its coming real soon.. hehe..
  2. Hi.. this is the second color for this model.. plus the card variants.. one is us card and the other is international card
  3. wow!! you know how to customize the bug eh.. sinclair.. damn damn... too cool la..
  4. real nice pics sinclair.. just wondering.. how come the back of the car can't get a clear view eh..? do you need a good cam to capture the whole view? I mean for the yellow gti
  5. Cool ferrari f430 ... hot wheels 2010 list gonna release this model soon.. hehe..
  6. Will this be a good trade? super '34 ford
  7. sorry to disappoint you, but the next thunt is the woodie. You're correct, man!! But the woodie's color is damn lousy!!~~ The goodness in it is always and will be .. the weight ya.. HEAVY!!
  8. the time is passing too fast man... now its gonna be the end of August.. and the new t-hunt is gonna rise again!! wow!!! .. really really gonna prepare the money for a lots of lots of green green .. hehe..
  9. Just like the 2008 thunt.. hai hai.. didn't really really pay attention to it.. now not so complete ... so how... need to spend more money on just one hw.. hai hai..
  10. Well, money can always earn one... but the availability of rare items ... will never waits.. correct or not?
  11. Yo.. Thanks man.. Well.. you will get it sooner or later, right?
  12. and hey.. look at the card.. no to complaint or anything.. but it shows 7 spokes.. hai hai... very hard to find a car with 7 spokes eh..
  13. i think the winner for the heaviest car in 2009 thunt will only be either fire-eater or '37 ford woodie.. if all are diecast ... really sad to say .. '37 ford woodie will be the winner.. but if suprise enough... maybe '65 mustang will win all ... wat's your all thoughts.. Let's share it 2gether..
  14. Yeah, man.. the super got spectraflame.. real cool just by look at it apart from the plastic bubble.. hai hai .. never even open one of this thunt before... muahahaha .. anyway.. hopefully one day i will be willing to open it up .. and eat them all up .. haha..
  15. Muahahaha... i think in the end of this year.. we are gonna sleep with hot wheels thunts green green cars yeah... hehe..
  16. enjoy? haha.. :mademyday: ...if i can touch it..but for now, i only can enjoy looking only.. anyway,thanks for the pic bro.. Haha.. yeah, man!! No problem.. i think the next t-hunt hopefully .. hopefully.... will be fire-eater!! wow.. that will even make the our eyes shiner !!
  17. But anyway.. its in the t-hunts & thunt$ '49 Merc section .. do enjoy the pics ya ppl... its really really fantastic!
  18. AH YO YO .. i post the 34 ford in the wrong post.. muahahha ..
  20. Voala!!~~ Here's the lot of t-hunts & SUPER '34 FORD. And yes,.. the base is METAL / DIECAST!! HAHA.. You will be happy to see this, man.. zint3000 SUPER REGULAR
  21. HELLO, everyone.! Its time for the latest release of the new THs!! Here's the LOT that i've received today and follow by the close-up view of each variants.. Enjoy!!~~ Base - B23 Base - B24
  22. Definitely, man.. like the dd, it comes with yellow color already.. wow... real nice that damn car..
  23. oh ..Friday .. join you guyz.. and then.. can get more green eh.. explains more, sinclair.. hehe..
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