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Everything posted by kelvinator21

  1. Well.. thanks bro.. its a tooned version.. glad you like it..
  4. of course bro.. as real as it looks right.. cool huh..
  5. They are on the way.. both super & regular.. be patient .. my young apprentice.. just kidding..
  6. Agreeable. . its the tampos that makes it looks cool..
  7. totally agreed, bro.. than officially a gangster not yet.. not yet.. be patient bro.. i hear a stunning picture is coming up.. hold your horses.. haha
  8. undercoverbrother & kuih_tiow thanks bro.. we rock & roll.. !!!
  9. noooo...while both parties busy fighting..other fella grab the thunt and go straight to payment counter..hahaha well said bro.. well said.. muahahah
  10. no point in tumbok here and there.. the car that stands there is gonna laugh at both whose are fighting for it.. muahah...
  11. alamak....hahaha..if you really wanna bertumbok with me comela join the next race..my car will hack your car kaw kaw...hehehe well.. the best way to be generousity to one and another is to..resell it.. muahahah .. who get first then say to high price.. kekeke...
  12. the quickest way is to tip the worker.. hahaha.. by then.. we will celebrate christmas earlier.. muahaha thats the other wayla...but here, most collector prefer to hunt at right place right time style and 1st come 1st serve basis..then you'll get the greens..thats more fun...racing with each other really something...hahaha.. if this the case, very dangerous oh.. imagine if 2 persons arrived at the same place same time, and saw only 1 green.. then.. how.. u see me i see u... wat if its super.. it will be WAR TIME!!!
  13. the quickest way is to tip the worker.. hahaha.. by then.. we will celebrate christmas earlier.. muahaha
  14. Thanks man.. yes.. new wheels.. it's called .. MOON DISC.. sat liao eh.. abit of the sound like .. moonwalker.. haha.. hahaha..moonwalk eh...? my place restock with this grin wave but didnt get the grin..wonder if its bought by other collector or its a dead case.. bro.. may i know where your place? to be honest.. my place (sarawak) here even worst.. you will never find a thunt here especially the latest wave as well.. its like dry land here... muahaha.. a place where thunt is a dead end.. worst than dead case..
  15. Thanks man.. yes.. new wheels.. it's called .. MOON DISC.. sat liao eh.. abit of the sound like .. moonwalker.. haha..
  16. thanks for the comment bro.. not so many la..
  17. wow.. is that the name eh.. sounds so.. eh..
  18. Thanks bro.. a real hardwork to fruition.. hehe..
  19. Thanks for the comment bro.. these are samples only.. my first batch already sold out.. now waiting for the second...carded or loose..
  20. thanks man.. yes indeed.. it is a must!
  21. no la.. where got la.bro... yeap.. that's super super.. hehe
  22. hi everyone.. evening.. enjoy the pics ya.. cheers!
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