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Everything posted by kelvinator21

  1. RGSUKAN alright man.. thanks for the infor.. hope that i can get more as so many ppl demands it.. hmm... sad to say tat even the hunt torino havent been found in the east yet... let's hope tat it will have more surprises eh.. like there's a few ppl in west already has the hunt chevrelator eh...
  2. RGSUKAN wow.. is it.. ? here which is which place? Can point me to the right direction, bro? maybe can work some deal eh.. Thanks.
  3. Hi .. ppl.. just wondering .. has anyone found any reg or super thunt old number 5.5 in our local market yet? has not been found in the east yet.. hmm...
  4. Thanks zint3000.. i got news for my new super & regular Torino ... will get the stock and upload it here soon... Wait for my good news ppl.. hehe..
  5. Thanks, man ( geronimo 888) Super already sold out.. sorry dude.... Only left regular.. anyway.. will be coming more next 2 weeks.. hehe.. Hopefully we will see more Super thunt$ torino too .. Thanks for the comments ppl... Let's rock with style this year with all the oldies of thunts 2010!!
  6. Yeah it is .. check out the cool wheels.. and the rims.. my God!!!
  7. Hi.. everyone.. Its been awhile ya.. enjoy the pics alright.. Happy Chinese New Year to you all .. As stunning as ever... hehe
  8. hehe.. hope the future of the hot wheels will have cool cars like these eh..
  9. or even the terminator 2 T1000 mimetic poly-alloy
  10. who say anything about plastic on that piece of honda civic man.. when comes to custom.. there's no word that shame the die cast car to the word "plastic" anymore man... muahaha .. It will be fully metal.. or not .. the wolverine's claws anamentium..
  11. Yam seng to 2010 hot wheels, ppl~~~ its gonna be the hell of a good time...
  12. no prob cham2020 hehe.. i wanted to get more .. but need to wait for another shipment.. hai hai..
  13. no.. i want it to be able to blow color fire out of the exhaust-pipes.. can he do it, man? i want it like 2 fast 2 the furious... hehe
  14. No need for you to click at ebay dude.. it will be "HERE" soon.. trust me.. Imagine how long does it takes to arrived.. if not from ebay malaysia.. hehe..
  15. or we'll just buy the super chrome ...cool rims from hot wheels company.. and install into every one of our hw collections.. Sounds even better eh... endless thoughts..~~
  16. i mean at their main door.. entrance.. well-packed and ready to send out throughout the whole world... hehe..
  17. Imagine if we can all wait for the new production coming out HOT HOT from the penang factory, muahaha ... we can really happen eh...
  18. If wait for the local store to have new assortments.. the mind will rot man... ~~ true or not ppl..
  19. the green green one yeah man!! you read my mind.. muahahah .. RGSUKAN i can the heavy heavy one.. having each like 20 or 30 cars i don't mind.. hehe
  20. i love bulky hw.. the heavy the design .. the better.. haha.. hardcore design.. yeah.. baby..
  21. so far for the 2010 series which already been release at sneak peak doesn't amazed me yet.. hehe..
  22. Many will surely die for this ya..
  23. Even the 2010 vw beetle is coming too ..
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